Back pain shows association with increased mortality risk in women

BOSTON – New research from Boston Medical Center identifies elevated mortality risk for women with back pain when compared to women without back pain. Back pain was not associated with mortality among men indicating long-term consequences of back pain may…

Want to improve your health? Head to a national park, and absorb the sounds

Wolves howling, birds singing, rain falling – natural sounds inspire us and connect us to nature. New research by a team of scientists shows that natural sounds are also good for our health. Researchers from Carleton University, Michigan State University,…

Engineers combine AI and wearable cameras in self-walking robotic exoskeletons

Robotics researchers are developing exoskeletons and prosthetic legs capable of thinking and making control decisions on their own using sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The system combines computer vision and deep-learning AI to mimic how able-bodied people walk by seeing…

Dry eye disease negatively affects physical and mental health as well as vision

Patients suffering from dry eye disease symptoms have a lower quality of life compared to those without symptoms, a new study reports. The findings showed that patients with the condition reported negative effects on visual function, their ability to carry…

New study gives the most detailed look yet at the neuroscience of placebo effects

A large proportion of the benefit that a person gets from taking a real drug or receiving a treatment to alleviate pain is due to an individual’s mindset, not to the drug itself. Understanding the neural mechanisms driving this placebo…

Research agreement focuses on battlefield injuries

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – OYE Therapeutics Inc., a Purdue University-affiliated company, is working to reduce the mortality and morbidity resulting from injuries on the battlefield through the development of new life-saving strategies. OYE is located in the Purdue Technology Center…

Study shows opioid use among US patients with knee osteoarthritis costs 14 billion dollars in societal costs

Although guidelines do not recommend use of opioids to manage pain for individuals with knee osteoarthritis, a recent study published early online in Arthritis Care & Research , an official journal of the American College of Rheumatology and the Association…

Treating rheumatoid arthritis with micromotors

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder marked by joint pain, swelling and damage. Although medications, such as steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunosuppressants, can help slow joint destruction and relieve pain, they have side effects and aren’t completely successful. Now,…

Microneedle patches for microdosing psychedelic pharmaceuticals

(LOS ANGELES) – Although one may think of psychedelic pharmaceuticals as being dangerous and detrimental, scientists have been conducting experiments and clinical trials on some of them and have obtained positive results when testing them for medical use. Research has…

Good sleep is just what doctor ordered

In a study released Feb. 22 in JAMA Internal Medicine researchers found that six 20-minute telephone calls over eight weeks coaching participants on how to get better sleep improved their sleep, pain, and daytime function. The improvements in sleep and daytime function persisted 12 months after treatment. One of the lead investigators who has been researching age and sleeping for 40 years offers great tips on getting better sleep. Just because you are aging, does NOT mean your sleep needs to get worse.

Physical conditions linked to psychological distress in patients with cancer

Among patients with cancer, having additional physical comorbidities was linked with a higher risk of experiencing psychological distress. The finding comes from a Psycho-Oncology analysis of 2017 data from the National Health Survey of Spain. The analysis included 484 patients…