Strategic collaboration agreement signed between ScienceOpen and Pensoft

The research discovery platform ScienceOpen and Pensoft Publishers have entered into a strategic collaboration partnership with the aim of strengthening the companies’ identities as the leaders of innovative content dissemination. The new cooperation will focus on the unified indexation, the…

This ‘fix’ for economic theory changes everything from gambles to Ponzi schemes

Whether we decide to take out that insurance policy, buy Bitcoin, or switch jobs, many economic decisions boil down to a fundamental gamble about how to maximize our wealth over time. How we understand these decisions is the subject of…

Cultural differences account for global gap in online regulation — study

Differences in cultural values have led some countries to tackle the spectre of cyber-attacks with increased internet regulation, whilst others have taken a ‘hands-off’ approach to online security – a new study shows. Internet users gravitate towards one of two…

1940s blood samples reveal historical spread of malaria

DNA from 75-year old eradicated European malaria parasites uncovers the historical spread of one of the two most common forms of the disease, Plasmodium vivax, from Europe to the Americas during the colonial period, finds a new study co-led by…

New index maps relationships between poverty and accessibility in Brazil

Researchers from the School of Engineering in Trinity College Dublin have developed a new spatial index that measures the connections between poverty and poor accessibility. The research, recently published in the Journal of Transport Geography , builds on previous work…

Colorado study suggests new strategies against bone metastases from prostate cancer

When prostate cancer spreads, it most often spreads to bone. And while the 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer that has not spread is nearly 100 percent, once the disease reaches bone, the 5-year survival rate is only 29 percent.…

Satellite imagery shows Typhoon Kammuri’s center obscured

NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP or S-NPP satellite passed over the Philippine Sea in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean and found Typhoon Kammuri’s eye obscured. Since Kammuri has now entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility, defined by the World Meteorological Organization, the Philippine…

Drone images show Greenland ice sheet becoming more unstable as it fractures

The world’s second-largest ice sheet, and the single largest contributor to global sea-level rise, is potentially becoming unstable because of fractures developing in response to faster ice flow and more meltwater forming on its surface. Using custom-built drones strong enough…

Researchers discover new way to split and sum photons with silicon

A team of researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and the University of California, Riverside have found a way to produce a long-hypothesized phenomenon–the transfer of energy between silicon and organic, carbon-based molecules–in a breakthrough that has implications…