Scientists watch a black hole shredding a star

A NASA satellite searching space for new planets gave astronomers an unexpected glimpse at a black hole ripping a star to shreds. The milestone was reached with the help of a worldwide network of robotic telescopes headquartered at The Ohio State University called ASAS-SN (All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae). Astronomers from the Carnegie Observatories, Ohio State and others published their findings today in The Astrophysical Journal.

Protein Intake, Physical Function in Older Adults Differs Dramatically by Ethnicity/Race

A cross-sectional study examined differences in protein intake, nutritional status, and physical health (muscle strength and function) among older African Americans, European Americans and Hispanic Americans. The study is the first to evaluate these physical health indicators in association with protein intake among different racial/ethnic groups. A contributing factor to the age-related changes in muscle is insufficient protein intake by older adults. Findings highlight the need for further education and evidence-based interventions to support this vulnerable population.

Dahn Unveils Million Mile Battery in Ground-breaking Article

In a ground-breaking paper in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES), Jeff Dahn announced that Tesla may soon have a “million mile” battery that makes their robot taxis and long-haul electric trucks viable. Dahn and his research group are Tesla’s battery research partner. Doron Aurbach, JES technical editor, says that this comprehensive article is expected to be have a major impact on the field of batteries and energy storage.

Notre Dame Expert: On Trump-Ukraine affair, no short-term personal or political gain can justify politicizing American foreign policy.

For stories on the foreign policy and international security components of the impeachment proceedings against President Trump, Michael Desch, University of Notre Dame professor of political science and director of the Notre Dame International Security Center (NDISC), is available for comment.  He…

Researchers Discover New, Treatable Pathway Known to Cause Hypertension in Obese People

There’s no question that as body weight increases, so too does blood pressure. Now, in a study of mice, Johns Hopkins researchers have revealed exactly which molecules are likely responsible for the link between obesity and blood pressure. Blocking one of these molecules — a signaling channel that’s found in a tiny organ on the side of your neck — effectively lowers blood pressure in obese mice, the researchers reported recently in the journal Circulation Research.

Cause of antibiotic resistance identified

Scientists have confirmed for the first time that bacteria can change form to avoid being detected by antibiotics in the human body. Studying samples from elderly patients with recurring urinary tract infections, the Newcastle University team used state-of-the art techniques…

Thousands of meltwater lakes mapped on the east Antarctic ice sheet

The number of meltwater lakes on the surface of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet is more significant than previously thought, according to new research. A study led by Durham University, UK, discovered more than 65,000 supraglacial lakes using high-resolution satellite…

New genes identified in hearing loss, providing treatment hope

A new study published today in The American Journal of Human Genetics has identified 44 genes linked to age-related hearing loss giving a much clearer understanding of how the condition develops and potential treatments. In the study, researchers from King’s…

How fungus-farming ants could help solve our antibiotic resistance problem

For the last 60 million years, fungus-growing ants have farmed fungi for food. In their cultivation of those fungi, they’ve successfully relied on bacteria-produced antimicrobial ingredients to protect their crops from other species of parasitic fungi. Now, researchers reporting in…

Interactive avatar boosts performance of children with ADHD

New Rochelle, NY, September 25, 2019–A new study has shown that an interactive avatar, which gives both instructions and feedback on the attention of the learner, can improve the performance of ADHD children on a complex problem-solving task. Researchers concluded…

Morris Animal Foundation awards $940K for new studies benefiting horse/alpaca health

DENVER/September 26, 2019 – Morris Animal Foundation, a leader in advancing animal health, has awarded grants totaling $940,000 to 12 research projects in horse and alpaca health. The studies will help veterinary scientists improve the well-being of these large animals…

MSU researchers lead team that observes exotic radioactive decay process

EAST LANSING, Mich. – Researchers from the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University (MSU) and TRIUMF (Canada’s national particle accelerator) have observed a rare nuclear decay. Namely, the team measured low-kinetic-energy protons emitted after the beta decay…