Scrubbing carbon dioxide from smokestacks for cleaner industrial emissions

CORVALLIS, Ore. – An international team co-led by an Oregon State University chemistry researcher has uncovered a better way to scrub carbon dioxide from smokestack emissions, which could be a key to mitigating global climate change. Published today in Nature…

Crucial collaboration: Expanding naval capability through ties with industry, academia

ARLINGTON, Va.–The secret sauce of successful naval acquisitions requires a vital ingredient: partnerships, particularly among government, industry and academia. To cultivate new partnerships and enhance naval capabilities–as well as bolster existing relationships–the Department of the Navy’s (DoN) Technology Transfer (T2)…

Startup developing solar-powered crop-drying devices forms new partnership

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – JUA Technologies International, a Purdue University-affiliated startup developing solar-powered crop-drying devices, is partnering with BrazAgro Ltd., a supplier of Brazilian farm machinery, to distribute its solar-drying tray. Dehytray is a solar-drying solution for small and mid-size…

Site search: A digital approach to proteins and cancer

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – What if scientists could create more effective drugs to treat cancers and other diseases by better targeting specific sites on proteins in the body? That’s the primary question researchers in the Purdue University laboratory of Carol…

How light a foldable and long-lasting battery can be?

With the launch of wearable devices and smartphones that require high capacity of electricity such as foldable phones and 5G phones, the interest in batteries are increasing and various battery types are developed. For example, flexible batteries embedded in the…

New research pinpoints which of the world’s trees are climate-ready

Botanists from Trinity College Dublin have discovered that “penny-pinching” evergreen species such as Christmas favourites, holly and ivy, are more climate-ready in the face of warming temperatures than deciduous “big-spending” water consumers like birch and oak. As such, they are…

Study to help manage shark populations in Pacific Panama

Sharks play a critical role in keeping oceans healthy, balancing the food chain and ensuring species diversity. However, the demand for shark derivatives has led to their exploitation, often without appropriate management strategies in place. In an assessment of Pacific…

US Feed the Future program reduces stunting of children in Africa, Stanford study finds

Feed the Future, the U.S. government’s global hunger and food security initiative, has prevented 2.2 million children from experiencing malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have found. The researchers, led by Tess Ryckman, a…

Blood pressure drug could help problem drinkers: QUT research

A drug used to treat high blood pressure may alleviate anxiety induced by long-term heavy alcohol use, and also halt the damage such drinking can cause to the brain’s ability to grow new cells, research at the Queensland University of…

Real-time photoacoustic thermometry of tumors during HIFU treatment in living subjects

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) treatment is a non-invasive method that removes unhealthy tissues and tumors by delivering high intensity ultrasound waves from outside of the body to the lesion. It does only a minimal damage to the normal tissues…

Understanding Asteraceae: Validation of a Hyb-Seq probe set for evolutionary studies

Accurately reconstructing the relationships between different species requires analyzing the sequences of a judiciously selected, and preferably large, sample of different genes. Hybrid capture with high-throughput sequencing, or Hyb-Seq, is a powerful tool for obtaining those gene sequences, but must…

Composite to replace cast iron in harsh maritime environments

Inside the giant engines in the world’s largest ships are huge heat exchangers made of cast iron; for the first time, a new project is looking for an inexpensive composite substitute for the classical iron components, which can cost vast sums to maintain

New material design tops carbon-capture from wet flue gases

Generally speaking, “flue gas” refers to any gas coming out of a pipe, exhaust, chimney etc as a product of combustion in a fireplace, oven, furnace, boiler, or steam generator. But the term is more commonly used to describe the…

Nuclear freeze movement’s legacy on display at Cornell

Forty years ago this month, disarmament advocate and researcher Randall Caroline Watson Forsberg told peace activists assembled for Mobilization for Survival’s annual meeting that a bilateral nuclear arms freeze “could change the world.” Forsberg’s vision launched a powerful local- and…