Researchers create synthetic nanopores made from DNA

In 2015, the first commercial nanopore DNA sequencing device was introduced by Oxford Nanopore Technologies. Based on a synthetically engineered transmembrane protein, nanopore sequencing allows long DNA strands to be channelled through the central lumen of the pore where changes…

City College leads new photonics breakthrough

A new approach to trapping light in artificial photonic materials by a City College of New York-led team could lead to a tremendous boost in the transfer speed of data online. Research into topological photonic metamaterials headed by City College…

Researchers reconstruct spoken words as processed in nonhuman primate brains

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — A team of Brown University researchers has used a brain-computer interface to reconstruct English words from neural signals recorded in the brains of nonhuman primates. The research, published in the journal Nature Communications Biology ,…

Wyss Academy for Nature founded at the University of Bern

Rapid biodiversity losses, accelerated climate change, and a growing demand for land resources – these developments and their consequences are closely interrelated. Where this is concerned, the following question is becoming increasingly pressing: How can the necessary nature conservation be…

Entrectinib effective, well-tolerated against ROS1 and NTRK lung cancers, especially with brain metastases

Pooled analysis of three phase 1 and 2 clinical trials published online ahead of print in the journal Lancet Oncology show that the drug entrectinib is effective and well-tolerated against advanced ROS1 and NTRK fusion-positive non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC).…

Study probing visual memory, amblyopia unveils many-layered mystery

In decades of studying how neural circuits in the brain’s visual cortex adapt to experience, MIT Professor Mark Bear’s lab has followed the science wherever it has led, yielding the discovery of cellular mechanisms serving visual recognition memory, in which…