WashU Expert: America gains nothing by leaving WHO

President Donald Trump’s recent announcement to suspend U.S. funding to, and withdraw from, the World Health Organization is “counter to our interests in addressing our needs to save the lives and further the health of Americans, as well as an abandonment of America’s position as a global leader,” says the director of Washington University in St.

Trump is not fighting science, he is stealing its authority

President Trump’s inaccurate statements about the coronavirus have created a confusing landscape for receiving valid information about COVID-19, according to Adam Laats, professor of education and history at Binghamton University, State University of New York. Laats says that Trump’s claims…

The President cannot undo or circumvent the Constitution or federal law, which is firm on the date of the presidential election, says U of R political scientist Renee Van Vechten.

Renee Van Vechten, Ph.D. is a political scientist and professor at the University of Redlands whose research focuses on elections and California politics.  She can speak on the topic of the possibility that President Donald Trump could attempt to delay…

The U.S. government is failing to uphold its duty to protect citizens during the coronavirus pandemic

By not supplying New York the necessary ventilators it needs to help during the coronavirus outbreak, the government is failing to uphold its social contract with citizens, says Nicole Hassoun, professor of philosophy at Binghamton University, State University of New…

Both our political past and present shape America’s response to COVID-19, says policy expert

One researcher at West Virginia University suggests that we need to set aside political partisanship as the U.S. responds to the novel coronavirus.  President Donald Trump declared a national emergency Friday (March 13). Earlier this week, the World Health Organization declared it…

Former US ambassador to Poland available to comment on diplomatic implications of US European travel ban

The spread of COVID-19 has quickly become a global crisis, causing countries around the world to severely limit travel. Wednesday night, President Donald Trump announced that the United States would ban most travel from continental Europe beginning at 11:59 p.m. tonight. Lee Feinstein, former ambassador to…

University of Michigan legal experts can comment on the aftermath of the death of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, war powers and target killing operations.

University of Michigan legal experts can comment on war powers and target killing operations in the aftermath of the death of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Julian Davis Mortenson is a professor of law, focusing on constitutional and international law. He…

WashU Expert: Soleimani killing likely unlawful

Thousands of mourners have taken to the streets in Iran following the Jan. 3 death of Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Quds Force. Many questions remain following the U.S. drone strike in Iraq and Iran’s posturing about potential retaliation. Chief among them: Was the strike legal?“Unless there is much more to the story than meets the eye, the answer seems to be no,” said Leila Sadat, the James Carr Professor of International Criminal Law at Washington University in St.

Impeachment process poses challenges for both parties, Tulane law professor says

Impeachment expert Stephen Griffin, a constitutional law professor at Tulane University School of Law, says the articles of impeachment submitted by Democrats on Tuesday create opportunities and challenges for both parties moving forward. “The articles of impeachment are arguably the…

Pompeo announcement deeply alienates American and Israeli Jews committed to ending the occupation, says Notre Dame’s Atalia Omer

Please see comments on Pompeo’s announcement regarding Israeli settlements from Atalia Omer, associate professor of religion, conflict, and peace studies at the University of Notre Dame‘s Keough School of Global Affairs. Omer is also the author of Days of Awe: Reimagining Jewishness in Solidarity With Palestinians, about…

Notre Dame experts available to comment on 2020 Presidential Election

Notre Dame scholars are available to comment on issues related to race and representation, religion and politics, immigration, economy, media and democracy, and women and politics.  For a list of available experts, visit https://news.nd.edu/our-experts/topic-2020-election/ Original post https://alertarticles.info

Expert on electoral behavior, Kathy Dolan can weigh in on an impeachment probe’s impact on the 2020 elections.

House Democrats have announced that they are moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. Kathleen Dolan, a distinguished professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, can answer questions about the potential impact on the…

Possible political consequences of impeachment probe? Longtime political scientist Thomas Holbrook can provide analysis.

Thomas Holbrook can discuss the potential political consequences of an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, including the impact on press coverage of the primaries and the potential impact on the general election. A distinguished professor of political science at the…