How we transport water in our bodies inspires new water filtration method

A multidisciplinary group of engineers and scientists has discovered a new method for water filtration that could have implications for a variety of technologies, such as desalination plants, breathable and protective fabrics, and carbon capture in gas separations. The research…

Mayo Clinic researchers look at post menopause as key factor in endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological malignancy in the U.S. and the fourth most common cancer among women. In addition, endometrial cancer incidence rates are on the rise in the western world, suggesting that alterations in environmental factors such as diet, lifestyle, and the vaginal microbiome may be important drivers in its cause.

Super-resolution photoacoustic microscopy finds clogged blood vessels

200 years ago, a doctor from France used a stethoscope for the first time and countless efforts to observe human body have been made since then. Up to now, the best tool that provides anatomical, functional, and molecular information of…

It’s always a good hair day for Leptothrix cholodnii

Researchers led by a team at the University of Tsukuba find that hair-like structures on the surface of aquatic bacterium Leptothrix cholodnii aren’t simply for aesthetics — they are essential for niche establishment and can capture precious metals

Home hospital care proves an effective and cost-effective alternative to hospital care for selected

Below please find summaries of new articles that will be published in the next issue of Annals of Internal Medicine . The summaries are not intended to substitute for the full articles as a source of information. This information is…

New laser technique to be developed to identify and track disease

Researchers at King’s College London and the University of Southern Denmark have received a research contract of £750,000 to investigate the use of laser light in animal research. They plan to develop a laser technique that will help establish a…

New CRISPR-based System Targets Amplified Antibiotic-resistant Genes

Researchers have developed a new CRISPR-based gene-drive system that more efficiently inactivates a gene rendering bacteria antibiotic-resistant. The new system leverages technology developed by UC San Diego biologists in insects and mammals that biases genetic inheritance of preferred traits called “active genetics.”

Study examines causes of death in US breast cancer survivors

Survival rates for patients with breast cancer have improved significantly in the last four decades, and many patients will eventually die from non-cancer-related causes. Researchers recently conducted the largest population-based long-term retrospective analysis of non-cancer causes of death among patients…

Heart-healthy diets are naturally low in dietary cholesterol and can help to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke

DALLAS, Dec. 16, 2019 — Reducing dietary cholesterol by focusing on an overall heart-healthy dietary pattern that replaces saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats remains good advice for keeping artery-clogging LDL cholesterol levels healthy. Such dietary patterns are naturally low in…

Scientist breaks down chemistry in iconic cartoons: SpongeBob SquarePants and Popeye

WASHINGTON, Dec. 16, 2019 — Are bananas actually that slippery? Could spinach give you superhuman strength? And what the heck is Toon Acid? This week, watch some cartoons alongside our writer and host, Sam Jones, and learn whether their chemistry…

Reporters invited to attend Crohn’s & Colitis Congress®

Dec. 16 2019 — The Crohn’s & Colitis Congress®, the premier conference for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) health care providers and researchers, invites media to register for the 2020 meeting. A partnership of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation and the…

Survey shows link between psychological safety and use of infection prevention practices

Arlington, Va., December 16, 2019 – Hospitals reporting high levels of psychological safety are more likely to have comprehensive infection prevention and control (IPC) programs, according to the results of a survey appearing in the American Journal of Infection Control…