Extreme blood sugar swings in people with type 2 diabetes may increase heart disease risk

BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA – In patients with type 2 diabetes, big swings in blood sugar levels between doctors’ visits are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. The study, published in the journal Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism, looked at…

New policy guidance highlights urgent global need for post-fracture care programs

‘Capture the Fracture® (CTF) Partnership – Guidance for Policy Shaping’ sets out a step-by-step approach to building secondary fracture prevention policy which can improve patient outcomes, save healthcare costs, and save lives

New IOF position paper urges routine use of DXA-VFA in fracture liaison services

Vertebral fractures often remain undetected, despite their significance as risk factors for future fractures; routine use of VFA in fracture liaison services would help physicians detect unrecognized fractures and inform treatment decisions

The interconnection of global pandemics — Obesity, impaired metabolic health and COVID-19

In a Nature Reviews Endocrinology article authors from the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) highlight the interconnection of obesity and impaired metabolic health with the severity of COVID-19. First, they provide information about the independent relationships of obesity, disproportionate…

Lack of physical exercise during COVID-19 confinement may lead to a rise in mortality

In a review article published in Frontiers of Endocrinology, Brazilian researchers estimate a reduction of 35% in levels of physical activity and a rise of 28% in sedentary behavior in the initial months of confinement imposed by the pandemic

Green med diet cuts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by half – Ben-Gurion U. study

BEER-SHEVA, Israel…January 18, 2021 – A green Mediterranean (MED) diet reduces intrahepatic fat more than other healthy diets and cuts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in half, according to a long-term clinical intervention trial led by Ben-Gurion University of the…

IOF and IFCC review calls for harmonization of assays for reference bone turnover markers

New review describes the current status of assays for PINP and β-CTX in blood, as well as the plans for and progress towards the achievement of harmonization or standardization of commercial assays for these reference markers

Physical frailty syndrome: a cacophony of multisystem dysfunction

In the inaugural issue of the journal Nature Aging a research team led by aging expert Linda P. Fried, MD, MPH, dean of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, synthesizes converging evidence that the aging-related pathophysiology underpinning the clinical…

Scientists modeled protein behavior of archaeal viruses to crack protein folding mystery

Scientists from the Pacific Quantum Center of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) figured out how the AFV3-109 protein with slipknot structure folds and unfolds depending on temperature. The protein is typical for the viruses of the oldest single-celled organisms that…

Scientists reveal mechanism that causes irritable bowel syndrome

KU Leuven researchers have identified the biological mechanism that explains why some people experience abdominal pain when they eat certain foods. The finding paves the way for more efficient treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and other food intolerances. The study,…

Hip fracture incidence expected to increase two-to-three fold in some Eurasian countries

A new report on the burden of osteoporosis in the Russian Federation and seven other Eurasian countries warns of increasing fracture rates due to expected demographic changes, and poor access to diagnosis and treatment.

New taxonomy of non-skeletal rare disorders with impact on bone

Outlines six groups of rare disorders that may influence the activity of bone cells or the characteristics of bone matrix, classified according to the systemic disease, genetic defect, pathophysiology of bone phenotype, and therapy.

Prevalence of patients receiving dialysis in China may exceed 800,000 by 2025

Study published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases (AJKD) projects that prevalence of patients receiving dialysis in China will increase from 384.4 patients per million (PPM) in 2017 to 629.7 PMP in 2025 with a predicted 874,373 patients receiving…

Study of 50,000 people finds brown fat may protect against numerous chronic diseases

Brown fat is that magical tissue that you would want more of. Unlike white fat, which stores calories, brown fat burns energy and scientists hope it may hold the key to new obesity treatments. But it has long been unclear…

Polysaccharides from red algae affect mice immune systems, say FEFU scientists

Carrageenans, biologically active polysaccharides isolated from red algae and widely used in the food industry as stabilizers, thickeners, or jelly agents have an express effect on the immune systems of mice, a study reports. The research was carried out by…