Think You’ve Outgrown Your High School Years? When It Comes To Drinking, A New Study Suggests Maybe Not

Adults aged 35 to 60 are drinking at unprecedented rates, with those who binge drank in high school reporting more past 30-day high-risk drinking in midlife. And this link may be especially strong for women, according to a study just published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research Health. These trends are particularly concerning as health conditions, and biological processes common with aging put adults in midlife at greater health risk from alcohol use.

Groundwater cleanup boost: tailoring 3D media for DNAPL contaminant removal

Groundwater serves as a vital resource, yet dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) contaminants pose a significant threat to its quality. New research delves into how the 3D microstructures of porous media influence DNAPL migration and the efficacy of surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation (SEAR), offering promising solutions for subsurface clean-up.

Study Finds Low Utilization of Specialty Treatment for Problem Alcohol Use; Differences Associated with Race, Ethnicity, and Health Risk Status

Only four percent of people who are screened and report heavy drinking go on to receive specialty treatment for their alcohol use, according to a study published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research. The study found race, ethnicity, and health risk profile to be associated with differences in the likelihood of receiving specialty treatment. These findings echo previous studies and highlight the need for more tailored approaches to screening and intervention to improve treatment for diverse groups of people with varying levels of alcohol use problems, from heavy drinking to alcohol use disorder.

Mount Sinai Researchers Find That Where People Live Can Impact Their Risk for Common Chronic Conditions Including High Blood Pressure and Depression

The researchers found that a persons’ place of residence substantially influences their risk of uncontrolled chronic disease including high blood pressure and depression

Genetic differences in fat shape men and women’s health risks

New findings about body fat help explain the differing health risks men and women face – and set the stage for better, more targeted treatments.