Dave Grabaskas, Paul Romano, Ben Lindley and April Novak are recognized by American Nuclear Society on Nuclear News’ highly selective list of rising stars in nuclear research
Tag: Nuclear Science
Department of Energy Announces $49 Million for Research on Foundational Laboratory Fusion
As the Department of Energy (DOE) continues to accelerate a clean-energy future that includes fusion technology, a total of $49 million in funding for 19 projects was announced today in the Foundational Fusion Materials, Nuclear Science, and Technology programs.
New ‘Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science’ recommends FRIB enhancements to forward the field
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, or FRIB, figures largely in the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee’s, or NSAC’s, newly released “A New Era of Discovery: The 2023 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science.” The new plan, released on Oct. 4, provides a roadmap for advancing the nation’s nuclear science research programs over the next decade. It is the eighth long range plan published by NSAC since 1979.
Centre for Ion Beam Applications at NUS designated as IAEA’s first Collaborating Centre in Singapore
The Centre for Ion Beam Applications (CIBA), a multidisciplinary research centre at the National University of Singapore (NUS), has recently been designated as an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Collaborating Centre for Research and Development of Accelerator Science and Multidisciplinary Applications.
Department of Energy Announces $5.8 Million for Research on Nuclear Data Benefitting Nuclear Science and Applications
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $5.8 million in funding for five projects in nuclear data for basic nuclear science and applications.
Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) selects Symplectic Elements to enable comprehensive research management
Digital Science is pleased to announce that Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) has chosen Symplectic Elements from Digital Science’s flagship products to advance awareness of its world-class research.
How to catch a perfect wave: Scientists take a closer look inside the perfect fluid
Scientists have reported new clues to solving a cosmic conundrum: How the quark-gluon plasma – nature’s perfect fluid – evolved into the building blocks of matter during the birth of the early universe.
Brookhaven Intern Caroline Sears Analyzes Nuclear Fission Yields
The Smith College undergraduate is analyzing data relevant to nuclear reactor science.
Scientists Recruit New Atomic Heavyweights in Targeted Fight Against Cancer
Researchers from Berkeley Lab and Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed new methods for the large-scale production, purification, and use of the radioisotope cerium-134, which could serve as a PET imaging radiotracer for a highly targeted cancer treatment known as alpha-particle therapy.
Scientists Say Farewell to Daya Bay Site, Proceed with Final Data Analysis
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment collaboration – which made a precise measurement of an important neutrino property eight years ago, setting the stage for a new round of experiments and discoveries about these hard-to-study particles – has finished taking data. Though the experiment is formally shutting down, the collaboration will continue to analyze its complete dataset to improve upon the precision of findings based on earlier measurements.
90 Years of Neutrino Science
Berkeley Lab has a long history of participating in neutrino experiments and discoveries in locations ranging from a site 1.3 miles deep at a nickel mine in Ontario, Canada, to an underground research site near a nuclear power complex northeast of Hong Kong, and a neutrino observatory buried in ice near the South Pole.
October 27, 2020 Web Feature Enabling the Data-Driven Future of Microscopy
An international research team led by PNNL has published a vision for electron microscopy infused with the latest advances in data science and artificial intelligence. Writing a commentary in Nature Materials, the team proposes a highly integrated, autonomous, and data-driven microscopy architecture to address challenges in energy storage, quantum information science, and materials design.
What A Crystal Reveals About Nuclear Materials Processing
PNNL researchers devised a new method to probe the atomic structure of plutonium-containing microcrystals using laboratory-based equipment.
Natalie Roe Named Berkeley Lab’s Associate Director for Physical Sciences
Natalie Roe, who joined Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) as a postdoctoral fellow in 1989 and has served as Physics Division director since 2012, has been named the Lab’s Associate Laboratory Director (ALD) for the Physical Sciences Area. Her appointment was approved by the University of California. The announcement follows an international search.
Scientists Successfully Demonstrate a New Experiment in the Search for Theorized ‘Neutrinoless’ Process
Nuclear physicists affiliated with Berkeley Lab played a leading role in analyzing data for a demonstration experiment in France that has achieved record precision for a specialized detector material.
Introducing a New Isotope: Mendelevium-244
A team of scientists working at Berkeley Lab’s 88-Inch Cyclotron has discovered a new form of the human-made element mendelevium. The newly created isotope, mendelevium-244, is the 17th and lightest form of the element, which was first discovered in 1955 by a Berkeley Lab team.
The CUORE Underground Experiment Narrows the Search for Rare Particle Process
The largest set of data yet from an underground experiment called CUORE sets more stringent limits on a theoretical ultra-rare particle process known as neutrinoless double-beta decay that could help to explain the abundance of matter over antimatter in the universe.
Barbara Jacak Receives 2019 Distinguished Scientist Fellow Award
Barbara Jacak, director of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Nuclear Science Division since 2015, has been named a 2019 Distinguished Scientist Fellow by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.
How to Get a Particle Detector on a Plane
Berkeley Lab is one of five sites around the globe that is building detector panels for an upgrade project that will improve the performance of a particle detector’s inner tracking system – including its resolution to take snapshots of particle collisions, its durability, and data-collection speed.