New nanoparticle drug combination for atherosclerosis

Physicochemical cargo-switching nanoparticles (CSNP) designed by KAIST can help significantly reduce cholesterol and macrophage foam cells in arteries, which are the two main triggers for atherosclerotic plaque and inflammation. The CSNP-based combination drug delivery therapy was proved to exert cholesterol-lowering,…

Dietary and physical activity intervention reduces LDL cholesterol level in children

An individualised and family-based physical activity and dietary intervention reduced the plasma LDL cholesterol concentration of primary school children, a new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows. The findings of the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC)…

Study identifies the mechanism by which eating fish reduces risk of cardiovascular disease

A diet rich in fish or omega 3 modulates the concentration of lipids that are passed on to cells by lipoproteins and reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis, according to the most exhaustive study carried out to date by Universitat Rovira i Virgili and

Study identifies the mechanism by which eating fish reduces risk of cardiovascular disease

A diet rich in fish or omega 3 modulates the concentration of lipids that are passed on to cells by lipoproteins and reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis, according to the most exhaustive study carried out to date by Universitat Rovira i Virgili and

Icosapent ethyl found to significantly reduce revascularizations in statin patients

WASHINGTON – Patients with high lipid levels have an increased risk for ischemic events, despite statin therapy. Findings presented as late-breaking science during the SCAI 2020 Scientific Sessions Virtual Conference revealed that for statin-treated patients with elevated triglycerides and increased…

Icosapent ethyl found to significantly reduce revascularizations in statin patients

WASHINGTON – Patients with high lipid levels have an increased risk for ischemic events, despite statin therapy. Findings presented as late-breaking science during the SCAI 2020 Scientific Sessions Virtual Conference revealed that for statin-treated patients with elevated triglycerides and increased…

Cholesterol lowering drugs linked to improved gut bacteria composition in obese people

The human gut microbiota consists of trillions of bacteria, fungi and virus constituting an inner chemical factory producing a multitude of microbial compounds affecting immunity, neurobiology and metabolism of the human host. It has for long been known that imbalances…

Cholesterol lowering drugs linked to improved gut bacteria composition in obese people

The human gut microbiota consists of trillions of bacteria, fungi and virus constituting an inner chemical factory producing a multitude of microbial compounds affecting immunity, neurobiology and metabolism of the human host. It has for long been known that imbalances…

Dietary counselling introduced in infancy leads to better cardiovascular health in adults

The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP) of the University of Turku, Finland, examines the benefits of promoting cardiovascular health by dietary counselling from infancy to early adulthood. Altogether 1,116 children and their families from Turku participated in…

Exercise during pregnancy reduces obesity among offspring

When physically fit women exercise during pregnancy they could be setting their children up for better fitness too. That’s according to a study published today in Science Advances led by Min Du, professor of animal sciences at Washington State University,…

A potential breakthrough in obesity medicine with the help of gold nanoparticles

A team of researchers in Korea believes to have discovered a synthetic gold-based compound which may help patients with obesity. The team led by Sunoh Kim, Deok-Chun Yang at Bioresources and Technology and Kyung Hee University, South Korea, respectively, investigated…

Larger thighs associated with lower risk of heart disease in obesity

A larger thigh circumference may be associated with lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease in people with obesity, according to a study published in Endocrine Connections . In overweight and obese Chinese men and women, larger…

£500,000 NIHR grant for obesity treatment

Dr Jennifer Logue of Lancaster Medical School has been awarded half a million pounds by the National Institute for Health Research to examine the effectiveness of NHS and local government interventions to treat obesity. The three year project entitled “BEhavioural…

£500,000 NIHR grant for obesity treatment

Dr Jennifer Logue of Lancaster Medical School has been awarded half a million pounds by the National Institute for Health Research to examine the effectiveness of NHS and local government interventions to treat obesity. The three year project entitled “BEhavioural…

Molecule found in oranges could reduce obesity and prevent heart disease and diabetes

The equivalent of just two and a half glasses of orange juice a day could reverse obesity and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Researchers at Western University are studying a molecule found in sweet oranges and tangerines…

High sugar diet may impair metabolic health & maternal care after pregnancy

Rats on a high sugar diet during pregnancy have altered levels of sex steroid hormones (e.g. progesterone) and dopamine in their brains, which may lead to behavioural changes that can affect care of offspring and motivation, as well as increasing…