Molecule-plasmon coupling strength tunes surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectral lineshapes

Plasmon-enhanced molecular spectroscopies have attracted tremendous attention as powerful detection tools with ultrahigh sensitivity down to the single-molecule level. The optical response of molecules in the vicinity of nanostructures with plasmon resonance would be dramatically enhanced through interactions with plasmons.…

Is your job killing you? Stress, lack of autonomy, ability can lead to depression, death

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — As millions continue working from home during the pandemic or are required to report to jobs as essential employees, many have raised questions about how these work conditions impact our health — and not just as they…

Landmark recommendations on development of artificial intelligence and the future of global health

May 19, 2020 – A landmark review of the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the future of global health published in The Lancet calls on the global health community to establish guidelines for development and deployment of new technologies…