Mosquito ‘Spit Glands’ Hold Key To Curbing Malaria, Study Shows

Mosquitoes can harbor thousands of malaria-causing parasites in their bodies, yet while slurping blood from a victim, they transmit just a tiny fraction of them. In an effort to define precisely the location of the parasite bottleneck, Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists say they have discovered that the parasites are stopped by a roadblock along the escape route in the insect’s spit glands, a barrier that could potentially serve as a novel target for preventing or reducing malarial infection.

Boehringer Ingelheim and MD Anderson form unique virtual research and development center to rapidly advance new cancer therapies

Boehringer Ingelheim and MD Anderson have announced a new multi-year partnership to conduct collaborative research, combining the drug-development capabilities of MD Anderson with the pipeline of novel medicines from Boehringer Ingelheim.

Research to Prevent Blindness and Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology Announce 2019 Recipient of RPB David F. Weeks Award for Outstanding AMD Research

Christine Curcio, PhD, has been selected as the 2019 RPB David F. Weeks Award for Outstanding AMD Research (Weeks Award). The Weeks Award, funded through the generosity of Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB), an anonymous donor, and the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (AUPO), annually recognizes and celebrates an excellent researcher focused on age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Developing the next generation of wine communicators

Wine Communicators of Australia (WCA) and the Adelaide Business School at the University of Adelaide are set to launch a national wine industry mentor program to boost the career trajectory of the next generation of wine communicators. The program will benefit people who will take a leading role promoting Australia’s wine industry in their public relations, marketing and communications careers.

Public Comment Period for IDSA/AAN/ACR Draft Lyme Disease Guidelines Extended through Sept. 9

The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) have extended the public comment period for the draft of their joint guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of Lyme disease for an additional 30 days. The deadline to submit comments is now Sept. 9, 2019.

Antibody Improves Survival from Sepsis-Related Fungal Infections in Mice

An antibody that blocks the “programmed cell death” pathway may help the immune system fight off sepsis-related fungal infections, according to animal studies reported in SHOCK®: Injury, Inflammation, and Sepsis: Laboratory and Clinical Approaches, Official Journal of the Shock Society. The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Mental Illness Does Not Cause Racism, Society’s Ills

Paul Carrola, Ph.D., an assistant professor in The University of Texas at El Paso’s Department of Educational Psychology and Special Services, comments on the recent El Paso, Texas shooting He is a licensed professional counselor, national certified counselor and certified clinical mental health counselor. He coordinates UTEP’s Mental Health Counseling Program. His research interests include correctional counseling, counselor burnout and secondary trauma, and border related mental health issues.

Adding mental health specialists to primary care clinics boosts vets’ access to outpatient services

A Veterans Health Administration program that added mental health specialists, care managers or both in primary care clinics significantly improved access to mental health and primary care services to veterans with behavioral health needs. The practice also resulted in 9% higher average annual costs for each patient.

It’s not you, it’s the network

The result of the 2016 US presidential election was, for many, a surprise lesson in social perception bias — peoples’ tendency to assume that others think as we do, and to underestimate the size and influence of a minority party.

Long documented in psychological literature, a panoply of social perception biases play out differently in different contexts. Many psychologists attribute the source of these biases to faulty cognitive processes like “wishful thinking” or “social projection,” but according to a study published August 12 in Nature Human Behaviour, the structure of our social networks might offer a simpler explanation.

Orthopedic Building at Rush Renamed for Sofija and Dr. Jorge O. Galante

Rush University Medical Center has renamed its orthopedic building The Sofija and Jorge O. Galante Orthopedic Building in recognition of Dr. Jorge Galante’s leadership, his revolutionary contributions to his field and the Galante family’s lasting legacy of philanthropy. A dedication ceremony took place on Aug. 9 in the building, which is located at 1611 W. Harrison St. in Chicago.

Dramatic Increase in Whales in NJ/NYC Raises Safety Concerns

The number of humpback whale sightings in New York City and northern New Jersey has increased dramatically in recent years, by more than 500 percent, as a result of warmer and cleaner waters, raising the risk of dangerous interactions between the huge marine mammals and humans, according to Rutgers–New Brunswick doctoral student Danielle Brown. Find out what she says boaters can do to keep themselves and whales safer as a migration heads closer to shores this fall.

Researchers Hack One of the World’s Most Secure Industrial Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)

Israeli researchers have managed to take control of a Siemens programmable logic controller (PLC), considered to be one of the safest controllers in the world. PLCs are used in a wide spectrum of operations including power stations, water pumps, vehicles, and smart homes.

Une étude de la Mayo Clinic révèle que l’IA pourrait permettre un dépistage précis et peu coûteux de la fibrillation auriculaire.

Une nouvelle étude menée par la Mayo Clinic révèle que l’intelligence artificielle (IA) peut détecter les signes d’un trouble du rythme cardiaque — fibrillation auriculaire (FA) — dans un électrocardiogramme (ECG), même si le rythme cardiaque est normal au moment de l’examen. En d’autres termes, un ECG « dopé » par l’IA peut détecter une fibrillation auriculaire récente survenue sans symptômes ou imminente, ce qui améliore potentiellement les options en matière de traitement.

Adding MS Drug to Targeted Cancer Therapy May Improve Glioblastoma Outcomes

The multiple sclerosis drug teriflunomide, paired with targeted cancer therapy, markedly shrinks patient-derived glioblastomas grown in mice by reaching stem cells at the tumor’s root, according to a new UC San Diego School of Medicine study published in Science Translational Medicine.

Dawn of the Quantum Internet, Secure Quantum Cryptography, and Harnessing Entanglement

Quantum technologies harness the unusual properties of the atomic and subatomic world, where the rules of classical physics do not apply. Properties like entanglement – what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance” – and superposition – where a single particle can exist in multiple states at once – provide remarkable opportunities to push current communications, cryptography, and computing technologies beyond their current limitations. But, what are the latest innovations in quantum research and where are new discoveries taking us?

Studie von Mayo Clinic belegt, dass KI ein genaues, kostengünstiges Screening auf Vorhofflimmern ermöglichen könnte

Eine neue Forschungsstudie von Mayo Clinic zeigt, dass künstliche Intelligenz (KI) die Zeichen eines unregelmäßigen Herzrhythmus – sprich Vorhofflimmern(AF) – in einem Elektrokardiogramm (EKG) erkennen kann, und zwar selbst dann, wenn sich das Herz zum Zeitpunkt des Tests im normalen Rhythmus befindet. Mit anderen Worten kann das KI-gestützte EKG Vorhofflimmern erkennen, das ohne Symptome aufgetreten ist oder bevorsteht, was die Behandlungsoptionen potenziell verbessert.

Rutgers Expert Available to Discuss IPCC Report on Climate Change and Land

New Brunswick, N.J. (Aug. 8, 2019) – Rutgers University–New Brunswick Professor Pamela McElwee is available to comment on the United Nations report released today on Climate Change and Land that she co-authored. McElwee, an associate professor in the Department of Human…

Mega-Cloud from Canadian Wildfires Will Help Model Impacts of Nuclear War

Extreme wildfires in British Columbia, Canada, pumped so much smoke into the upper atmosphere in August 2017 that an enormous cloud circled most of the Northern Hemisphere – a finding in the journal Science that will help scientists model the climate impacts of nuclear war. The pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) cloud – the largest of its kind ever observed – was quickly dubbed “the mother of all pyroCbs.”

U-M-led team selected for second $20M federal agreement to manage national estuary research

A collaborative, multisector team, led by the University of Michigan’s Water Center at the Graham Sustainability Institute and the School for Environment and Sustainability, has been awarded a five-year, $20 million cooperative agreement to support the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in overseeing research at a nationwide network of 29 coastal reserves.