Vanda Pharmaceuticals president receives award for work to prevent FDA dog tests

WASHINGTON–President and CEO of Vanda Pharmaceuticals, Mihael H. Polymeropoulos, MD, is the inaugural recipient of The Trailblazer Award, given by the Physicians Committee–a nonprofit with more than 12,000 doctor members–for his unwavering commitment to prevent and replace animal tests and…

Rare algae enzyme to convert cooking oil into ready-to-use biofuel

Researchers have found an unusual, light-dependent enzyme in microalgae. A new project at the Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, will use the enzyme in a system to produce drop-in fuels from waste oils and fats.

Yule log chemistry trivia — 4 hours cozy fireplace for your nerdy holiday parties (video)

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2019 — Ready to kick back and relax by the fire this holiday season? We’ve got you covered. Enjoy our chemistry-themed yule log trivia with a cup of hot cocoa at home or at the annual ugly…

Experts review evidence yoga is good for the brain

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Scientists have known for decades that aerobic exercise strengthens the brain and contributes to the growth of new neurons, but few studies have examined how yoga affects the brain. A review of the science finds evidence that…

Want to avoid the holiday blues? New report suggests skipping the sweet treats

LAWRENCE — If you’re prone to depression, this holiday season you might want to say “bah humbug” to offers of sugar plum pudding, caramel corn and chocolate babka. A new study from a team of clinical psychologists at the University…

Canadian tundra formerly covered in rich forest: Ancient plant fossil record shows

SASKATOON–The heady aroma of magnolia blossoms and lotus flowers might have wafted to your nostrils if you had gone for a walk 56 million years ago in the lush green forest which covered Canada’s northernmost islands. Now covered in ice…

Project aims to make mining more efficient, safer

Efficiency and safety are two aspects paramount to an effective mining operation that industry constantly seeks to improve. Virginia Tech researchers are leading a multidisciplinary team in a three-year, $900,000 project to improve the efficiency of dust scrubbers in underground…

New research aims to improve oral delivery of insulin

DETROIT – Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin — a hormone that regulates blood sugar– or the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. According to the Diabetes Research Institute…

Beyond ‘shovelomics’: Growing cassava in the air helps study the plant’s mysterious roots

Scientists tossed aside the shovel and studied cassava roots as they grew in real-time, suspended in the air. The innovative use of aeroponics may usher in a new era of science for cassava genetic improvement and sustainable intensification

Study highlights high cost of fossil fuel pollution on children’s health

A new study by researchers at the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health (CCCEH) at Columbia Mailman School of Public Health is the first to compile the estimated per-case costs of six childhood health conditions linked to air pollution–estimates that…

Daylight saving time does not misalign human cycles

Professor José María Martín-Olalla, from the University of Seville, has published a new report where the impact of seasonal clock-changing in daily life is analyzed from time use surveys in United States, Spain, Italy, France and Great Britain. These countries…

Zika vaccine protects both mom and fetus, but mom needs a higher dose when pregnant

GALVESTON, Texas – Researchers from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston showed, for the first time, that a single, higher dose of vaccination to a pregnant mouse safely protects both her and her fetus from the Zika virus.…

ORNL, industry collaborate to advance building equipment, develop new refrigerants

Oak Ridge National Laboratory and five leading building equipment industries will collaborate to improve the energy performance of heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems and investigate climate-friendly alternative refrigerants. Through collaborative research and development agreements, or CRADAs, scientists at the…

Fundamental discoveries for future nanotools: Chemists distinguish multiple weak forces

The process of building a tiny cube has revealed some of the fundamental mysteries of how molecules bind together in natural environments. Researchers hope to apply this knowledge to future projects designing complex structures that can mimic life. When two…