NASA’s NICER delivers best-ever pulsar measurements, 1st surface map

Astrophysicists are redrawing the textbook image of pulsars, the dense, whirling remains of exploded stars, thanks to NASA’s Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER), an X-ray telescope aboard the International Space Station. Using NICER data, scientists have obtained the first…

For controlling tsetse flies, fabric color matters

Tsetse flies infest an estimated 10 million square kilometers of sub-Saharan Africa and their bites transmit trypanosome parasites that cause disease in humans and in animals. This week in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases , researchers report that they have engineered…

Outpatient antibiotic prescriptions written without documented reason 18% of the time

PORTLAND, Ore. – A study of outpatient visits to health care providers in the United States during a one-year period suggests 18 percent of antibiotic prescriptions were written without a documented reason for doing so. The findings , published today…

Estimates of ecosystem carbon mitigation improved towards the goal of the Paris agreement

Approximately 30 percent of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere by human activities, mainly the use of fossil fuels and deforestation, is taken up by terrestrial ecosystems such as forests and grasslands. The recent reports from the IPCC concluded that new…

Fukushima: Lessons learned from an extraordinary case of soil decontamination

Following the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in March 2011, the Japanese authorities decided to carry out major decontamination works in the affected area, which covers more than 9,000 km 2 . On December 12, 2019, with most…

Experiment suggests the best ways to tackle invasive Oregon grape in Belgian coastal dunes

The Belgian coastal dunes, a protected habitat of high conservation value, are getting severely impacted by one of its worst enemies amongst invasive species: the Oregon grape. To help mitigate the detrimental effect of this North American shrub invader, Belgian…

IBIS-II study finds anastrozole reduces breast cancer rates for high risk postmenopausal women

The Queen Mary University of London professor leading an international breast cancer study says anastrozole – rather than tamoxifen – should be the preventive drug-of-choice for post-menopausal women at increased risk of developing the disease. Anastrozole, which inhibits the production…

Yule log chemistry trivia — 4 hours cozy fireplace for your nerdy holiday parties (video)

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2019 — Ready to kick back and relax by the fire this holiday season? We’ve got you covered. Enjoy our chemistry-themed yule log trivia with a cup of hot cocoa at home or at the annual ugly…

Rare algae enzyme to convert cooking oil into ready-to-use biofuel

Researchers have found an unusual, light-dependent enzyme in microalgae. A new project at the Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, will use the enzyme in a system to produce drop-in fuels from waste oils and fats.

SMART and NTU researchers design polymer that can kill drug-resistant bacteria

New polymer may pave the way for developing drugs to which bacteria are significantly less resistant, a breakthrough that could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year

Fundamental discoveries for future nanotools: Chemists distinguish multiple weak forces

The process of building a tiny cube has revealed some of the fundamental mysteries of how molecules bind together in natural environments. Researchers hope to apply this knowledge to future projects designing complex structures that can mimic life. When two…