Leigh McLean is an an associate research professor in the School of Education and Center for Research in Educational and Social Policy at the University of Delaware. In her program of research, she investigates how teachers’ emotions and emotion-related experiences including well-being impact their effectiveness.
Tag: Teacher
3rd International Conference on Educational System Management Leadership 2024: Education System Redesign for Creating a Better World for All
The Faculty of Education at Chulalongkorn University, Division of Educational System Management Leadership, in collaboration with Teachers College, Columbia University, cordially invites you to the 3rd International Conference on Educational System Management Leadership (ICESML 2024). The theme of this year’s conference is “Education System Redesign for Creating a Better World for All.” The event will take place on May 31, 2024, 9:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. (GMT+7) via an online platform.
Call for Abstracts: CULI TERA ERF International Conference 2024!
The Chulalongkorn University Language Institute (CULI) at Chulalongkorn University cordially invites all to attend the “CULI TERA ERF International Conference 2024” on “Promoting English Reading in the Asian Context and Beyond”, held on August 22-23, 2024 at Arnoma Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
School suspensions and exclusions put vulnerable children at risk
Managing problematic student behaviour is one of the most persistent, challenging, and controversial issues facing schools today. Yet despite best intentions to build a more inclusive and punitive-free education system, school suspensions and expulsions remain.
UA Little Rock and Jacksonville North Pulaski School District Partner on Innovative New Teacher Residency Program
In a groundbreaking collaboration that promises to redefine the landscape of teacher education, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and the Jacksonville North Pulaski School District have joined forces to introduce an innovative new teacher residency program.
New UniSA study to boost support for early career teachers
A new University of South Australia research project hopes to boost retention of early career teachers by investigating how improved induction programs can better support new teachers in the classroom.
Doll Houses — A Toy Aimed at Teaching Compassionate Living with People with Disabilities in the Society
A lecturer from the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University has developed a toy that instills a sense of compassion in children while teaching them to live happily with people with disabilities and the elderly in society.
Study: Remote learning adds pressure for teachers who work second shift as mothers
The transition to remote learning coupled with an unequal distribution of second-shift responsibilities has placed teachers who are also mothers under immense stress, according to new University at Buffalo research.
Future Teachers More Likely to View Black Children as Angry, Even When They Are Not
A study of prospective teachers finds they are more likely to interpret the facial expressions of Black boys and girls as being angry, even when they are not. This is significantly different than how the prospective teachers interpreted the facial expressions of white children.
Children Who Have Difficult Relationships with Their Mothers are Clingy Towards Their Early Teachers
Children who experience “dependent” or clingy relationships with their preschool teachers tend to also have difficulties in their relationships with their mothers finds researchers at the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. The research, published in peer-reviewed academic research journal Attachment and Human Behavior, went even further to find that later in elementary school, these children were prone to being anxious, withdrawn, and overly shy.
Study: Social Studies Teachers Not “Above the Fray” in Linking Their Political Views to How They Assess News Source Credibility
At a time when there’s been a sharp uptick in partisan critiques of the credibility of the news media and growing concern among educators about student media literacy, a new study finds a strong connection between high school social studies teachers’ political ideology and how credible they find various mainstream news outlets.
Pre-K teacher certification policies overlook standards for learning
States across the nation are increasing funding and focus on expanding high-quality education opportunities for young children. However, according to new research from Michigan State University, the U.S. is overlooking an important piece of the preschool puzzle: teacher certification.