New analysis reveals where marine heatwaves will intensify fastest

The world’s strongest ocean currents, which play key roles in fisheries and ocean ecosystems, will experience more intense marine heatwaves than the global average over coming decades, according to a paper published today in Nature Communications by researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes at the University of Tasmania and CSIRO.

Video is not always effective in science communication

Audiences shown a video about coral reefs had less willingness to pay (WTP) for conservation than when shown a slideshow of texts and photographs. The findings suggest the importance of the type and amount of information used in science communication.…

Heating our climate damages our economies – study reveals greater costs than expected

Rising temperatures due to our greenhouse gas emissions can cause greater damages to our economies than previous research suggested, a new study shows. Scientists from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Mercator Research Institute for Global…

NUS-led study considers potential and constraints of reforestation for climate mitigation

Reforestation is a promising nature-based climate solution. However, there are practical considerations beyond the suitability of land for planting trees, such as financial, land-use and operational constraints, which can limit its outcomes and thus need to be taken into account.…

Adding a meter between meals boosts vegetarian appeal — study

Meat-heavy diets not only risk our health but that of the planet, as livestock farming on a massive scale destroys habitats and generates greenhouse gases. Conservationists at the University of Cambridge are investigating ways of “nudging” people towards eating more…

Skoltech supercomputer helps scientists reveal most influential parameters for crop

Nowadays, agriculture is going to become AI-native: Skoltech researchers have used the Zhores supercomputer to perform a very precise sensitivity analysis to reveal crucial parameters for different crop yields in the chernozem region. Their paper was published in the proceedings…

SARS-CoV-2 is More Severe in Men, Emerging Data Suggests in New Review by Mount Sinai Researchers

Senior Author:  Ash Tewari, MBBS, MCh, Chair of the Department of Urology at the Mount Sinai Health System, Professor, Urology, Oncological Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai First Author: Dimple Chakravarty, PhD, Assistant Professor, Urology, Icahn School of Medicine…

How governments resist World Heritage ‘in Danger’ listings

A study published today found national governments repeatedly resisted the placement of 41 UNESCO World Heritage sites–including the Great Barrier Reef–on the World Heritage in Danger list. This resistance is despite the sites being just as threatened, or more threatened,…

Human-derived mercury shown to pollute the world’s deepest ocean trenches

Scientists have found that man-made mercury pollution has reached the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean – the Marianas Trench. This has significant implications for how mercury affects the marine environment, and how it may be concentrated in…

Overconsumption and growth economy key drivers of environmental crises

A group of researchers, led by a UNSW sustainability scientist, have reviewed existing academic discussions on the link between wealth, economy and associated impacts, reaching a clear conclusion: technology will only get us so far when working towards sustainability – we need far-reaching lifestyle changes and different economic paradigms.