Heat Stress May Affect the Muscles for Longer Than We Think

People who experience heat stress during exercise may need more recovery time to let their muscles heal, according to a new mouse study published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.

Climate Change Threatens Military Readiness

The growing frequency and intensity of heat waves around the globe pose “a substantial, persistent ‘non-combat threat’” to military training and operations, according to experts in environmental, thermoregulatory and cardiovascular physiology.

Heat poses dangerous risk to people active outdoors, says WVU athletic training expert

Samantha Scarneo-Miller, who directs West Virginia University’s Master of Science in Athletic Training Program, provides tips that casual athletes—and even non-athletes—can steal from the field of athletic training to protect themselves against exertional heat stroke. She also explains why that protection is vital…

How to Identify Heat-Stressed Corals

Researchers have found a novel way to identify heat-stressed corals, which could help scientists pinpoint the coral species that need protection from warming ocean waters linked to climate change, according to a Rutgers-led study.

Plant scientists use robotics to study the interaction of heat stress responses in corn

A new study shows how two responses in separate locations inside plant cells work in concert to help corn plants respond to heat stress. The research was made possible by the Enviratron, an innovative plant sciences facility at Iowa State University that utilizes a robotic rover and highly controlled growth chambers.

Wet T-Shirt Provides Effective Cooling for Older Adults during Heat Waves

Article title: Keeping older individuals cool in hot and moderately humid conditions: wetted clothing with and without an electric fan Authors: Matthew N. Cramer, Mu Huang, Gilbert Moralez, Craig G. Crandall From the authors: “These findings suggest that wearing a water-soaked T-shirt…