Nanotechnology applications in biodiesel processing and production: A comprehensive review

Abstract The wide application of diesel engines globally and the resulting exhaust emissions have been the driving force behind producing eco-friendly alternatives to fossil diesel. Biodiesel derived from triglycerides is a promising replacement for fossil diesel due to less contribution to greenhouse gases and other harmful…

Charging infrastructure planning for transportation electrification in India: A review

Abstract Global warming and depletion of fossil fuel are the major drivers that initiated the transition from conventional internal combustion engines to electric transportation. India has already embraced the policies and methodologies needed to decarbonize its transportation sector. In this…

Technological aspects, utilization and impact on power system for distributed generation: A comprehensive survey

Abstract Nowadays, due to the utilization of an abundant amount of fossil fuels environmental pollution increases rapidly. In order to rectify such a major problem, the power sector focused on distributed generation technology which increases the quality, sustainability, and reliability…

Application of photovoltaics on different types of land in China: Opportunities, status and challenges

Abstract Addressing pressing issues such as global climate change, dwindling fossil fuel reserves, and energy structure transitions, there is a global consensus on harnessing photovoltaic (PV) technology. As PV projects burgeon, they intensify the demand for land resources. Given land’s scarcity, its efficient…

Japan’s electric vehicle transition by 2035 may be insufficient to combat the climate crisis, but there are solutions

Researchers at Kyushu University have found that Japan’s current policy of stopping the sale of gas vehicles by 2035 and transitioning only to hybrids and electric vehicles may be insufficient to reduce the country’s CO2 emissions and prevent it from reaching its decarbonization target goals.

‘Green’ energy patents more focused on ‘clean’ conventional energy instead of renewables

A new study by world leaders in patent data has revealed some unusual trends in energy tech R&D, questioning whether companies are more committed to extracting fossil fuels or in pursuing genuinely ‘green’, renewable energy technologies.

Wind and solar could power the world’s major countries most of the time

With the eyes of the world on the United Nations COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, strategies for decarbonizing energy infrastructure are a trending topic. Yet critics of renewables question the dependability of systems that rely on intermittent resources. A recent study led by researchers at the University of California, Irvine tackles the reliability question head-on.

Shuttering Fossil Fuel Power Plants May Cost Less Than Expected

Decarbonizing U.S. electricity production will require both construction of renewable energy sources and retirement of power plants now operated by fossil fuels. A generator-level model described in the December 4 issue of the journal Science suggests that most fossil fuel power plants could complete normal lifespans and still close by 2035 because so many facilities are nearing the end of their operational lives.

Scientists Capture Candid Snapshots of Electrons Harvesting Light at the Atomic Scale

A team of scientists led by Berkeley Lab has gained important new insight into electrons’ role in the harvesting of light in artificial photosynthesis systems.

Fossil Fuel-Free Jet Propulsion with Air Plasmas

Humans depend on fossil fuels as their primary energy source, especially in transportation. However, fossil fuels are both unsustainable and unsafe, serving as the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. Researchers in China have demonstrated a prototype device that uses microwave air plasmas for jet propulsion, generating the high-temperature, high-pressure plasma in situ using only injected air and electricity. They describe the engine in AIP Advances.