FAU has added a new state-of-the-art Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) system to its research infrastructure. This cutting-edge technology marks a transformative step forward for FAU’s research capabilities, enabling groundbreaking studies in neuroscience, clinical health and medical advancements.
Tag: ecg
Patients Diagnosed With New-Onset, Persistent AFib Are More Likely to Have These Risk Factors
Patients who present with persistent atrial fibrillation at diagnosis are more likely to have certain risk factors as compared with patients with occasional atrial fibrillation (AFib). The findings, led by investigators in the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai, published in Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology.
Novel Wearable Belt with Sensors Accurately Monitors Heart Failure 24/7
There is a critical need for non-invasive solutions to monitor heart failure progression around the clock. This novel wearable device is based on sensors embedded in a lightweight belt that monitors thoracic impedance, electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate and motion activity detection. The device was tested in different conditions including sitting, standing, lying down and walking. Findings showed that all of sensors kept track of the changes for all of the different conditions.
AI-guided screening uses ECG data to detect a hidden risk factor for stroke
An AI-guided targeted screening strategy is effective in detecting new cases of atrial fibrillation that would not have come to attention in routine clinical care.
This strategy could reduce the number of undiagnosed cases of atrial fibrillation, and prevent stroke and death in millions of patients across the globe.
Patients with mitral annulus calcification at higher risk of heart valve and cardiovascular disease, Mayo Clinic research finds
A retrospective review of more than 24,000 patients who underwent an EKG at Mayo Clinic finds that nearly one-quarter of the patients had mitral annulus calcification, a chronic degeneration of tissue at the base of the heart’s mitral valve.
Mayo researchers use AI to detect weak heart pump via patients’ Apple Watch ECGs
Single-lead ECG tracings from an Apple Watch interpreted by an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm developed at Mayo Clinic effectively identified patients with a weak heart pump.
Monitoring Burn ICU Patients Requires Alarm Adjustments
The burn ICU at UNC Medical Center refined its alarm management strategy, reducing nonactionable and false alarms from baseline mean of 100+ per bed per day and developing new skin preparation practices to improve monitoring for ICU patients with injured skin.
Estudo de ECGs que utiliza IA revela que a diferença entre a idade em anos e a idade biológica afeta significativamente a saúde e a longevidade
Você pode ser mais velho ou mais jovem do que pensa. Um novo estudo descobriu que as diferenças entre a idade de uma pessoa em anos e sua idade biológica, conforme previsto por um eletrocardiograma (ECG), habilitado para inteligência artificial (IA) podem fornecer percepções mensuráveis sobre saúde e longevidade.
Estudio de electrocardiogramas mediados por inteligencia artificial descubre que diferencia entre edad numérica y edad biológica afecta considerablemente la salud y la longevidad
Usted puede ser mayor o menor de lo que pensaba. Un nuevo estudio descubrió que las diferencias entre los años cumplidos por una persona y la edad biológica pronosticada por un electrocardiograma (ECG) mediado por inteligencia artificial puede aportar una perspectiva medible de la edad y la longevidad.
Ultrasound tracks down misfiring heart sites
Abnormal heart rhythms—cardiac arrhythmias—are a major worldwide health problem. Now scientists are using ultrasound for more accurate maps of arrhythmic sites in the heart for improved success of ablation procedures.
A Bathroom Scale Could Monitor Millions with Heart Failure
Millions of heart failure patients are readmitted to hospital every few months to adjust medications. It sends medical costs sky-high and burdens patients’ lives. A new bathroom scale could give clinicians health data they need to preempt hospitalizations and treat patients remotely.