Perguntas e Respostas da Mayo Clinic: Apoiar medicamentos para perda de peso com nutrição adequada e personalizada

Tara Schmidt, nutricionista registrada na Mayo Clinic em Rochester, Minnesota, fornece informações sobre a importância de se discutir nutrição no contexto de medicamentos para a perda de peso.

Feeling Anxious or Blue? Ultra-processed Foods May be to Blame

A study measuring mild depression, number of mental unhealthy days and number of anxious days in 10,359 adults 18 and older found those who consumed the most ultra-processed foods as compared with those who consumed the least amount had statistically significant increases in the adverse mental health symptoms of mild depression, “mentally unhealthy days” and “anxious days.” They also had significantly lower rates of reporting zero “mentally unhealthy days” and zero “anxious days.” Findings are generalizable to the entire U.S. as well as other Western countries with similar ultra-processed food intakes.

Calorie Count More Important than Nutrient Composition in Development of Obesity-related Kidney Disease

Article title: High-calorie diet results in reversible obesity-related glomerulopathy in adult zebrafish regardless of dietary fat Authors: Evan M. Zeitler, J. Charles Jennette, Jennifer E. Flythe, Ronald J. Falk, John S. Poulton From the authors: “This work suggests that macronutrient…

Frequent soft drink consumption may make adolescents more aggressive

Soft drink consumption is a likely predictor of aggressive behavior, according to a new study from UAB.A study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham has shown that frequent soft drink consumption by adolescents may contribute to aggressive behavior over time.  Previous studies have shown associations between soft drink consumption and mental health problems in adolescents.