As Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games approach, experts give tips for athletes, weekend warriors, and travelers

With less than a month until the Summer Olympic Games in Paris, and with Olympic Trials taking place all around the world in different sports, Virginia Tech experts offer perspective on aspects of the competitions, applying Olympic habits to our own lives, and how the Games are impacting both travel to and life on the ground in Paris.

June 4 Research Highlights from ACSM Annual Meeting

ACSM’s comprehensive sports medicine and exercise science conference takes place virtually from June 1 to 5 with programming covering the science, practice, public health and policy aspects of sports medicine, exercise science and physical activity. View program highlights.

Health, safety tips for summer activities: IU experts available to comment

As Memorial Day weekend approaches, many people have plans to enjoy outdoor activities in the warmer weather. And while we have vaccines to protect against COVID-19, there are other safety measures to keep in mind while having fun in the…