Mealworms safely consume toxic additive-containing plastic

Tiny mealworms may hold part of the solution to our giant plastics problem. Not only are they able to consume various forms of plastic, as previous Stanford research has shown, they can eat Styrofoam containing a common toxic chemical additive…

Study finds racial/ethnic disparities in pain treatment by emergency responders

Whether or not a patient receives pain treatment when seeking emergency medical services may depend, in part, on their race or ethnicity, according to a new study by Portland State researchers. The study was published in the journal Medical Care…

‘Like a video game with health points,’ energy budgets explain evolutionary body size

Budgeting resources isn’t just a problem for humans preparing a holiday dinner, or squirrels storing up nuts for the winter. A new model of how animals budget their energy sheds light on how they live and explains why they tend…

Shigella strain resistant to all oral antibiotics circulating in Victoria

Researchers have reported an extremely drug-resistant strain of Shigella circulating in Victoria with the vast majority of cases occurring in men who have sex with men. Shigella could previously be treated by oral antibiotics at home, the strain identified by…

Health impact of support between African American couples when dealing with racial discrimination

URBANA, Ill. – Experiences of racial discrimination are a common source of stress for African Americans, and research shows discrimination can have a damaging impact on the physical and emotional health of African American individuals. Family studies researchers at the…

Single-molecule detection of cancer markers brings liquid biopsy closer to clinic

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — A fast, inexpensive yet sensitive technique to detect cancer markers is bringing researchers closer to a “liquid biopsy” – a test using a small sample of blood or serum to detect cancer, rather than the invasive tissue…

Nanopores can identify the amino acids in proteins, the first step to sequencing

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — While DNA sequencing is a useful tool for determining what’s going on in a cell or a person’s body, it only tells part of the story. Protein sequencing could soon give researchers a wider window into a…

Parkinson’s symptoms improve with weekly regimens of both physical and cognitive exercises

Parkinson’s patients’ motor and non-motor symptoms were improved with a weekly exercise regimen that included physical and cognitive tasks, according to new research presented today (18 December) at The Physiological Society early career conference, Future Physiology 2019: Translating Cellular Mechanisms…