Crops sown in a uniform spatial pattern produce higher yields and reduce environmental impact

Higher yields and fewer weeds are possible if farmers sow wheat, maize, soy and other crops in more uniform spatial patterns, according to University of Copenhagen researchers. More precise sowing can also help reduce herbicide use and fertiliser runoff.

Spinal cord gives bio-bots walking rhythm

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Miniature biological robots are making greater strides than ever, thanks to the spinal cord directing their steps. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researchers developed the tiny walking “spinobots,” powered by rat muscle and spinal cord tissue on…

Spinal cord gives bio-bots walking rhythm

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Miniature biological robots are making greater strides than ever, thanks to the spinal cord directing their steps. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researchers developed the tiny walking “spinobots,” powered by rat muscle and spinal cord tissue on…

Eye pupil an indicator of effective decision making, study finds

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. (April 27, 2020) – A team of Army and academic researchers are investigating how eye-pupil size changes can indicate a person’s cognitive state as a means to enable teaming with autonomous agents. The future Army battlespace…

New AI model accurately classifies colorectal polyps using slides from 24 institutions

Dartmouth researchers have created an AI model to classify colorectal polyps on histology slides. Evaluation using 238 slides from 24 institutions across 13 US states finds that the model performs as well as practicing pathologists

New Army tech may turn low-cost printers into high-tech producers

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — The Army has a new type of multi-polymer filament for commonly-used desktop 3-D printers. This advance may save money and facilitate fast printing of critical parts at the point of need. The research is also…

Trade friction: Adaptiveness of swarms of complex networks

Trade friction between industries involved in information communication technology (ICT) have become apparent in recent years. Those trade frictions have striking impact on various industries. Adaptations to these economic fluctuations are necessary for industry and companies in respective regions to…

Trust in humans and robots: Economically similar but emotionally different

Orange, Calif. – In research published in the Journal of Economic Psychology , scientists explore whether people trust robots as they do fellow humans. These interactions are important to understand because trust-based interactions with robots are increasingly common in the…

Researchers design microsystem for faster, more sustainable industrial chemistry

Ryan Hartman, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at NYU Tandon, used a lab reactor, liquefied catalyst, and machine learning for more efficient polymerization design

NTU Singapore researchers build disinfection robot to aid cleaners in COVID-19 outbreak

Researchers from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed a semi-autonomous robot that can disinfect large surfaces quickly. The researchers are planning to have public trials to support Singapore’s fight against COVID-19. Named eXtreme Disinfection roBOT (XDBOT), it can…

Future Army vehicles could see an improvement in structural materials

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — Materials used for a Soldier’s personal protection gear may be tough enough for vehicles too, according to a new Army study. Findings, released April 10 in the journal Polymer , show that polymers filled with…

Future quantum computers may pose threat to today’s most-secure communications

Quantum computers that are exponentially faster than any of our current classical computers and are capable of code-breaking applications could be available in 12 to 15 years, posing major risks to the security of current communications systems, according to a…

Using nano-scale spintronics, researchers aim to build novel artificial brain

New research project to develop novel AI hardware; a completely new kind of computer system that mimics how the human brain is built. The artificial neural networks can increase computer performance by up to 100,000 times compared to modern supercomputers

First mobile app for caregivers of children with FASD reaches trial stage

In the summer of 2017, Christie Petrenko , an assistant professor and research associate at the University of Rochester’s Mt. Hope Family Center , and Cristiano Tapparello , a research assistant professor in the University’s Department of Electrical and Computer…

Understanding research on how people develop trust in AI can inform its use

The use of artificial intelligence (AI), technologies that can interact with the environment and simulate human intelligence, has the potential to significantly change the way we work. Successfully integrating AI into organizations depends on workers’ level of trust in the…

Artificial intelligence to predict corona-patients’ risk of needing ventilators

As coronavirus patients are hospitalized, it is difficult for doctors to predict which of them will require intensive care and a respirator. Many different factors come into play, some yet to be fully understood by doctors . As such, computer…

Diabetes care reaches new heights as drone delivers insulin for patient

WASHINGTON–The international medical team that accomplished the world’s first documented drone delivery of insulin for a patient living in a remote community described the project in an ENDO 2020 abstract that will be published in the Journal of the Endocrine…