End-of life-care needs will nearly double over the next 30 years, highlighting urgent need for funding

New research at Trinity College Dublin, published today (Thursday, February 6th, 2020), shows that the number of people dying in Ireland with palliative care needs will increase 84% to 2046. The study, conducted at Trinity’s Centre for Health Policy and…

New score measuring multiple chronic illnesses performs better than current method

A new score that measures multiple long-term health conditions performs better than the current Charlson Comorbidity Index and may help in health care planning and delivery, according to new research in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) : http://www. cmaj. ca/…

New ACIP adult immunization schedule recommends changes to several vaccines

1. New ACIP Adult Immunization Schedule recommends changes to several vaccines ACIP now recommends shared decision-making for HPV, PCV13, and Meningitis B vaccines Abstract: http://annals. org/ aim/ article/ doi/ 10. 7326/ M20-0046 URL goes live when the embargo lifts The…

Improvements in care could save the lives of more acute bowel obstruction patients

A study by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death has discovered “significant opportunities” to improve patient care for those with acute bowel obstruction Around 6.4 per cent of patients admitted each year die within 90 days The…

Improvements in care could save the lives of more acute bowel obstruction patients

A study by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death has discovered “significant opportunities” to improve patient care for those with acute bowel obstruction Around 6.4 per cent of patients admitted each year die within 90 days The…

Survival of preterm babies improves by 25% after quality-improvement program

The rate of survival of very preterm babies in Canada increased 25% after the national Evidence-based Practice for Improving Quality (EPIQ) program was introduced in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) across the country, according to new research in CMAJ (…

Study reveals similar survival of African-American and white men with prostate cancer in an equal-access health care system

Among men with prostate cancer who received care from the Veterans Affairs (VA) Health System, an equal-access health care system, African American men did not have more advanced disease at the time of diagnosis or die earlier than white men,…

Survival of preterm babies improves by 25% after quality-improvement program

The rate of survival of very preterm babies in Canada increased 25% after the national Evidence-based Practice for Improving Quality (EPIQ) program was introduced in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) across the country, according to new research in CMAJ (…

Study reveals similar survival of African-American and white men with prostate cancer in an equal-access health care system

Among men with prostate cancer who received care from the Veterans Affairs (VA) Health System, an equal-access health care system, African American men did not have more advanced disease at the time of diagnosis or die earlier than white men,…

Policymakers join experts at the European Parliament for radioligand therapy report launch

The event, co- hosted by Tanja Fajon MEP (S&D, Slovenia) and Ewa Kopacz MEP (EPP, Poland) saw the launch of the policy report ‘Radioligand therapy: realising the potential of targeted cancer care’

Policymakers join experts at the European Parliament for radioligand therapy report launch

The event, co- hosted by Tanja Fajon MEP (S&D, Slovenia) and Ewa Kopacz MEP (EPP, Poland) saw the launch of the policy report ‘Radioligand therapy: realising the potential of targeted cancer care’

Policymakers join experts at the European Parliament for radioligand therapy report launch

The event, co- hosted by Tanja Fajon MEP (S&D, Slovenia) and Ewa Kopacz MEP (EPP, Poland) saw the launch of the policy report ‘Radioligand therapy: realising the potential of targeted cancer care’

Community-based counselors help mitigate grief among children orphaned in East Africa

A first-of-its-kind clinical trial involving more than 600 children in Kenya and Tanzania, in which community members were trained to deliver mental health treatment, showed improvement in participants’ trauma-related symptoms up to a year after receiving therapy, new research shows.…

Community-based counselors help mitigate grief among children orphaned in East Africa

A first-of-its-kind clinical trial involving more than 600 children in Kenya and Tanzania, in which community members were trained to deliver mental health treatment, showed improvement in participants’ trauma-related symptoms up to a year after receiving therapy, new research shows.…

Community-based counselors help mitigate grief among children orphaned in East Africa

A first-of-its-kind clinical trial involving more than 600 children in Kenya and Tanzania, in which community members were trained to deliver mental health treatment, showed improvement in participants’ trauma-related symptoms up to a year after receiving therapy, new research shows.…

A secreted signature of aging cells

Senescent cells undergo an irreversible and permanent arrest of cell division and are hallmarks of both the aging process and multiple chronic diseases. Senescent cells – and more importantly the factors they secrete, known collectively as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype…

A secreted signature of aging cells

Senescent cells undergo an irreversible and permanent arrest of cell division and are hallmarks of both the aging process and multiple chronic diseases. Senescent cells – and more importantly the factors they secrete, known collectively as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype…

Parents with terminally ill children tend to hide emotional pain from their spouses

A study of families in Singapore with terminally ill children found that parents tend to defer discussing their psychological pain with their spouses to protect them from emotional distress. The study, conducted by psychologists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU…