A spreadable interlayer could make solid state batteries more stable

Solid state batteries are of great interest to the electric vehicle industry. Scientists at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and Xi’an Jiaotong University, China now present a new way of taking this promising concept closer to large-scale application. An interlayer,…

Landmark recommendations on development of artificial intelligence and the future of global health

May 19, 2020 – A landmark review of the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the future of global health published in The Lancet calls on the global health community to establish guidelines for development and deployment of new technologies…

COVID-19 antibody testing needn’t be perfect to guide public health and policy decisions

While it’s too soon to use COVID-19 antibody testing to issue “immunity passports”, antibody tests that are available today are good enough to inform decisions about public health and relaxing social distancing interventions, says an international group of infectious disease…

Mount Sinai first in US using artificial intelligence to analyze COVID-19 patients

Mount Sinai researchers are the first in the country to use artificial intelligence (AI) combined with imaging, and clinical data to analyze patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19). They have developed a unique algorithm that can rapidly detect COVID-19 based on…

A circular economy of plastics will reduce plastic pollution and slow down climate change

Plastics have extremely useful properties: they help us keep our food fresh, make it possible to safely operate electrical devices and create various solutions in the medical field, such as disposable syringes and artificial joints. However, because of inadequate or…

SUTD scientists led development of novel acoustofluidic technology that isolates submicron particles

Acoustofluidics is the fusion of acoustics and fluid mechanics which provides a contact-free, rapid and effective manipulation of fluids and suspended particles. The applied acoustic wave can produce a non-zero time-averaged pressure field to exert an acoustic radiation force on…

A spreadable interlayer could make solid state batteries more stable

Solid state batteries are of great interest to the electric vehicle industry. Scientists at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and Xi’an Jiaotong University, China now present a new way of taking this promising concept closer to large-scale application. An interlayer,…

Scientists find a high hydrofluorocarbon emissions intensity in the Yangtze River Delta region

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) have been widely used as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances–for example, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Though HFCs have no impact on the ozone layer, they are also long-lived potent greenhouse gases with global warming potentials as high as…

Statistical approach to COVID-19 clinical trials aims to accelerate drug approval process

Cambridge, Mass., May 18, 2020 – In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have published a pair of studies in a COVID-19 special issue of the Harvard Data Science Review , freely available via…

The Lancet: First prospective study of critically ill COVID-19 patients from New York City sheds light on how virus affects adult patients in USA

The largest prospective study of adult COVID-19 patients in USA to date confirms that critical illness is common among hospitalized patients (22%, 257/1150).