Climate change and human activities threatens picky penguins

Eating a krill-only diet has made one variety of Antarctic penguin especially susceptible to the impacts of climate change, according to new research involving the University of Saskatchewan (USask) which sheds new light on why some penguins are winners and…

When laser beams meet plasma: New data addresses gap in fusion research

New research from the University of Rochester will enhance the accuracy of computer models used in simulations of laser-driven implosions. The research, published in the journal Nature Physics , addresses one of the challenges in scientists’ longstanding quest to achieve…

Olaparib becomes first gene-targeted medicine to show benefits in prostate cancer

A pioneering precision medicine already licensed for breast and ovarian cancer can also slow or stop tumour growth in some men with advanced prostate cancer, a new clinical trial shows. The phase II trial found that over 80 per cent…

New index maps relationships between poverty and accessibility in Brazil

Researchers from the School of Engineering in Trinity College Dublin have developed a new spatial index that measures the connections between poverty and poor accessibility. The research, recently published in the Journal of Transport Geography , builds on previous work…

Researchers discover new way to split and sum photons with silicon

A team of researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and the University of California, Riverside have found a way to produce a long-hypothesized phenomenon–the transfer of energy between silicon and organic, carbon-based molecules–in a breakthrough that has implications…