Reflecting on the year in chemistry

A lot can happen in a year, especially when it comes to science. As 2019 draws to a close, Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), the weekly newsmagazine of the American Chemical Society, is highlighting the year’s biggest stories in chemistry,…

Shigella strain resistant to all oral antibiotics circulating in Victoria

Researchers have reported an extremely drug-resistant strain of Shigella circulating in Victoria with the vast majority of cases occurring in men who have sex with men. Shigella could previously be treated by oral antibiotics at home, the strain identified by…

Comparing heirloom and modern wheat effects on gut health

Amid concerns about gluten sensitivity, increasing numbers of people are avoiding wheat. Most have not been diagnosed with a wheat-related medical condition, yet they seem to feel better when they don’t eat gluten-containing foods. A possible explanation is that modern…

New coating hides temperature change from infrared cameras

MADISON, Wis. — An ultrathin coating developed by University of Wisconsin-Madison engineers upends a ubiquitous physics phenomenon of materials related to thermal radiation: The hotter an object gets, the brighter it glows. The new coating — engineered from samarium nickel…

Battery-powered headgear could short-circuit joint pain

Tired of living with painful arthritic knees, 54-year-old Deborah Brown’s interest was piqued when she saw a recruitment flyer for a clinical trial on an innovative pain treatment at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). “My…

New coating hides temperature change from infrared cameras

MADISON, Wis. — An ultrathin coating developed by University of Wisconsin-Madison engineers upends a ubiquitous physics phenomenon of materials related to thermal radiation: The hotter an object gets, the brighter it glows. The new coating — engineered from samarium nickel…

Battery-powered headgear could short-circuit joint pain

Tired of living with painful arthritic knees, 54-year-old Deborah Brown’s interest was piqued when she saw a recruitment flyer for a clinical trial on an innovative pain treatment at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). “My…