Photonics research makes smaller, more efficient VR, augmented reality tech possible

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of Texas have developed and demonstrated a new approach for designing photonic devices. The advance allows them to control the direction and polarization of light from thin-film LEDs, paving the way…

CCNY researchers demonstrate how to measure student attention during remote learning

The Covid-19 pandemic has made home offices, virtual meetings and remote learning the norm, and it is likely here to stay. But are people paying attention in online meetings? Are students paying attention in virtual classrooms? Researchers Jens Madsen and…

Researchers use patients’ cells to test gene therapy for rare eye disease

Scientists at the National Eye Institute (NEI) have developed a promising gene therapy strategy for a rare disease that causes severe vision loss in childhood. A form of Leber congenital amaurosis, the disease is caused by autosomal-dominant mutations in the CRX gene, which are challenging to treat with gene therapy.

Elevated equipment: DoD awards $50 million for defense-related scientific research

ARLINGTON, Va.–The Department of Defense (DoD) recently awarded $50 million in grants to 150 university scientists–54 of whom are sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR)–via the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP). Through DURIP, the DoD supports the…

ERC awards two innovation projects for health and industrial monitoring

Ferruccio Pisanello at the IIT Center in Lecce and Annamaria Petrozza at the IIT Center in Milan will receive € 150,000 to develop new devices to be introduced in the healthcare sector and in non-destructive testing in the industrial sector

New national facility at PPPL and Princeton University explores low temperature plasma for innovative uses

New Princeton Princeton Collaborative Low Temperature Plasma Research Facility at PPPL provides access to world-class diagnostics, computational tools, and expertise in plasma physics for characterizing low temperature plasmas (LTP) — a rapidly expanding source of innovation in fields ranging from electronics to health care to space exploration.

Scientists develop the first virtual model of a new Moscow metro station in Russia

Scientists from the NUST MISIS Mining Institute have proposed a new approach to urban space design, presenting the first in Russia informational 3D model of the Ulitsa Stroiteley metro station under construction in Moscow, as well as the connecting tunnels.…

Organic molecules on a metal surface…a machinist’s best friend

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – How can you improve the cutting of “gummy” metals? Purdue University innovators have come up with an answer – and their findings may help in manufacturing products and reducing component failures. The researchers previously showed that…

Army strengthens future tech with muscle-bound robots

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — Robotic systems packed with muscle tissue can produce never-seen-before agility and versatility, Army researchers said. Researchers with the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, now known as DEVCOM, Army Research Laboratory are teaming with collaborators…

NPS researchers developing the defensive playbook against large-scale drone swarms

The 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea stunned the world when they put on a dazzling light show made up of a record-breaking 1,218 drones, all dancing in harmony. In the Department of Defense (DOD), though, the display reinvigorated…

Research develops new theoretical approach to manipulate light

The quest to discover pioneering new ways in which to manipulate how light travels through electromagnetic materials has taken a new, unusual twist. An innovative research project, carried out by experts from the University of Exeter, has developed a new…

Cooling electronics efficiently with graphene-enhanced heat pipes

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have found that graphene-based heat pipes can help solve the problems of cooling electronics and power systems used in avionics, data centres, and other power electronics. “Heat pipes are one of the most…

Army computer models unveil secret to quieter small drones

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — It’s no secret the U.S. Army wants its small unmanned aerial systems to operate quietly in densely-populated regions, but tests to achieve this can be expensive, time-consuming and labor-intensive according to researchers. Miranda Costenoble, a…

Future advantage: Cruser funds FY21 robotics and autonomous systems research

Key to the nation’s future advantage in autonomous systems, the Naval Postgraduate School’s (NPS) Consortium of Robotics and Unmanned Systems Education and Research (CRUSER) approved FY21 funding for novel research in robotics and autonomous systems through its Seed Research Program.…

New therapy for flu may help in fight against COVID-19

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – A new therapy for influenza virus infections that may also prove effective against many other pathogenic virus infections, including HIV and COVID-19, has been developed by Purdue University scientists. In an average year, more than 2…

Parkinson’s patients use telehealth access for speech improvement during pandemic

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – SpeechVive Inc. announced Thursday (Nov. 19) it is making its remote calibration software and training available free during the COVID-19 global health crisis. The software and training are available to all speech-language pathologists and their patients,…

Research advances sustainability in surgical latex glove manufacturing

Cranfield University researchers in partnership with Meditech Gloves , one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality examination and surgical gloves, have shown how energy savings can be made with the development of more sustainable, biodegradable, protein-free, natural rubber gloves. More…

Army, MIT explore materials for transforming robots made of robots

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — Scientists from the U.S. Army and MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms created a new way to link materials with unique mechanical properties, opening up the possibility of future military robots made of robots. The…

Artificial intelligence to increase air safety in the face of storms

Sometimes, during flights, aircrafts have to change their route (their flight plan) because of unforeseen events, such as storms. These meteorological phenomena, which may be accompanied by hail and lightning, are difficult to predict; they are known to appear in…

University of Utah to speed process of bringing new therapeutics to patients

The Huntsman Cancer Institute, College of Pharmacy and PIVOT Center have partnered to establish the University of Utah Therapeutic Accelerator Hub. The new Accelerator will provide resources and expertise to researchers to support the process of translating research discoveries into innovative clinical applications.

Machine learning innovation to develop chemical library

One-step multicomponent reaction with interpretable machine learning innovation to develop chemical library for drug discovery

Pearls may provide new information processing options for biomedical, military innovations

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Pearls have long been favored as objects of beauty. Now, Purdue University innovators are using the gem to provide potential new opportunities for spectral information processing that can be applied to spectroscopy in biomedical and military…

Targeted therapies developed to reduce lung fibrosis

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – A new treatment option for lung fibrosis is being developed by Purdue University scientists. Lung fibrosis has been a concern for COVID-19 patients. People with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) have a life expectancy of less than…

INRS researchers José Azaña and Roberto Morandotti awarded the Brockhouse Canada Prize

Professors José Azaña and Roberto Morandotti are recipients of the prestigious Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering