Army readies charging port for autonomous drone swarms

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — A swarm of hundreds of unmanned air vehicles will soon descend on unmanned ground vehicles to autonomously recharge, thanks to U.S. Army-funded research now underway at the University of Illinois Chicago. The U.S. Army Combat…

New study reveals how the nervous system mutes or boosts sensory information to make behavioral deci

Fruit flies may be able to teach researchers a thing or two about artificial intelligence. University of Michigan biologists and their colleagues have uncovered a neural network that enables Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies to convert external stimuli of varying intensities…

Deep neural networks show promise for predicting future self-harm based on clinical notes

Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina use deep learning models to identify patients at risk of intentional self-harm based on unstructured patient clinical notes alone

Machine learning predicts how long museum visitors will engage with exhibits

In a proof-of-concept study, education and artificial intelligence researchers have demonstrated the use of a machine-learning model to predict how long individual museum visitors will engage with a given exhibit. The finding opens the door to a host of new…

Wearable IT devices: Dyeing process gives textiles electronic properties

Computer scientists at Saarland University show how these special textiles can be produced in a comparatively easy way, thus opening up new use cases. “Our goal was to integrate interactive functionalities directly into the fibers of textiles instead of just…

‘Universal law of touch’ will enable new advances in virtual reality

Seismic waves, commonly associated with earthquakes, have been used by scientists to develop a universal scaling law for the sense of touch. A team, led by researchers at the University of Birmingham, used Rayleigh waves to create the first scaling…

Applying artificial intelligence to science education

A new review published in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching highlights the potential of machine learning–a subset of artificial intelligence–in science education. Although the authors initiated their review before the COVID-19 outbreak, the pandemic highlights the need to…

Two NRL research physicists named 2020 citation laureates ‘of nobel class’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Two research physicists from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory were named Citation Laureates “Researchers of Nobel Class” by Clarivate on Sept. 23 – Thomas L. Carroll and Louis M. Pecora – for research in nonlinear dynamics including…

Underwater robots to autonomously dock mid-mission to recharge and transfer data

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Robots can be amazing tools for search-and-rescue missions and environmental studies, but eventually they must return to a base to recharge their batteries and upload their data. That can be a challenge if your robot is…

Caring for others is a key driver in getting people to use chatbots for mental health

A new study from North Carolina State University and Syracuse University assessed what would motivate people to use chatbots for mental health services in the wake of a mass shooting. The researchers found that users’ desire to help others with…

The best of both worlds: A new take on metal-plastic hybrid 3D printing

Scientists develop a novel and surprisingly simple method to print 3D structures made of metal and plastic, paving the way for 3D electronics

Syracuse U. professor receives NSF grant for Internet of Things research

The growing capabilities of sensing, computing and communication devices are leading to an explosion of Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures. Advances in such technologies as autonomous systems and artificial intelligence also promise enormous economic and societal benefits. Naturally, it is…

Incubating ideas: Agility Summit showcases innovative solutions to naval challenges

ARLINGTON, Va.–A mobile app allowing Sailors and Marines to collaborate with leadership to solve problems. A Wikipedia-style platform for the entire Navy–which can be shared in a Cloud environment and serve as a repository of institutional knowledge. Streamlining the use…

Safe flight: New method detects onset of destructive oscillations in aircraft turbines

New method for early flutter detection will help in the development of safer and more eco-friendly turbines in aircraft

Drugs aren’t typically tested on women. AI could correct that bias

Researchers at Columbia University have developed AwareDX–Analysing Women At Risk for Experiencing Drug toXicity–a machine learning algorithm that identifies and predicts differences in adverse drug effects between men and women by analyzing 50 years’ worth of reports in an FDA…

Machine learning homes in on catalyst interactions to accelerate materials development

A machine learning technique rapidly rediscovered rules governing catalysts that took humans years of difficult calculations to reveal–and even explained a deviation. The University of Michigan team that developed the technique believes other researchers will be able to use it…