Which comes first: Smartphone dependency or depression?

Young people who are hooked on their smartphones may be at an increased risk for depression and loneliness, according to a new study from the University of Arizona. A growing body of research has identified a link between smartphone dependency…

Veg ‘nudge’: an extra vegetarian option cuts meat consumption without denting food sales

A study of over 94,000 cafeteria meal choices has found that doubling the vegetarian options – from one in four to two in four – reduced the proportion of meat-rich purchases by between 40-80% without affecting overall food sales. The…

Micronutrients ‘slipping through the hands’ of malnourished people

Millions of people across the globe are suffering from malnutrition despite some of the most nutritious fish species in the world being caught near their homes, according to new research published in Nature today. Scientists from the ARC Centre of…

Chronic insomnia can be cured in cancer survivors with a basic, one-session sleep education class, study finds

In a study published online today by the journal Cancer, investigators at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute report that a single-session sleep education program for survivors can cure insomnia in many participants, and that those who don’t benefit from this approach are often helped by a more extensive, but still modest, three-session program.

Supporting menstruating girls: Are we making progress?

September 11, 2019 -Attention to menstruation and its relationship to girls’ schooling is gaining ground, yet many challenges remain. Interventions have often focused on developing WASH –water, sanitation and hygiene — infrastructure and menstrual hygiene products which may not be…

Wealth can lead to more satisfying life if viewed as a sign of success vs. happiness

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. — Money can’t buy you happiness, but it could motivate you to live a better life. A new study featuring researchers at Binghamton University, State University of New York found that viewing wealth and material possessions as a…

Giving people a ‘digital identity’ could leave them vulnerable to discrimination, experts warn

Global efforts to give millions of people missing key paper documents such as a birth certificates a digital identity could leave them vulnerable to persecution or discrimination, a new study warns. Work is underway to use digital technology so refugees…