Nanoscope received NIH support for its first-in-class delivery approach to restore vision

Nanoscope received National Institutes of Health (NIH) support for restoring visual response by non-viral laser based targeted delivery of ambient-light activatable opsin into the retina

Focused ultrasound opening brain to previously impossible treatments

University of Virginia researchers are pioneering the use of focused ultrasound to defy the brain’s protective barrier so that doctors could, at last, deliver many treatments directly into the brain to battle neurological diseases. The approach, the researchers hope, could…

Focused ultrasound opening brain to previously impossible treatments

University of Virginia researchers are pioneering the use of focused ultrasound to defy the brain’s protective barrier so that doctors could, at last, deliver many treatments directly into the brain to battle neurological diseases. The approach, the researchers hope, could…

The most promising strategies for defeating coronavirus: A review stud

In an unprecedented effort, hundreds of thousands of researchers and clinicians worldwide are locked in a race against time to develop cures, vaccines, and better diagnostic tests for COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2.

The most promising strategies for defeating coronavirus: A review study

In an unprecedented effort, hundreds of thousands of researchers and clinicians worldwide are locked in a race against time to develop cures, vaccines, and better diagnostic tests for COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. Over 1,650 articles on…

Benefiting from the national gene vector biorepository

New Rochelle, NY, March 26, 2020–Gene therapy investigators can greatly benefit from the resources and services provided by the National Gene Vector Biorepository (NGVB), housed at the Indiana University School of Medicine. These include 93 unique reagents, a searchable database…