The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has awarded $75 million to a consortium of leading global institutions, including the Pulte Institute for Global Development at the University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs, to enhance the effectiveness of poverty alleviation programs through research.
Tag: Economic Growth
Analyzing policy interventions to stimulate suitable energy sources for the most polluted states of India
Abstract The power sector and environment cordially affect each other throughout the economic growth journey of a developing country. It is high time to take care of the power demand, considering the environmental effects and the physical health of Indians.…
Professor Brian Connolly Comments on Survey That Finds Rare Bipartisan Agreement on Housing Issues Among U.S. Voters
April’s Michigan Ross-Financial Times poll finds neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have a clear advantage on housing affordability.
Ukraine Refugees Could Boost Europe’s GDP
New research suggests the influx of Ukrainian refugees across Europe will improve long-term GDP for European countries that invest in infrastructure and other capital improvements. However, countries receiving Ukrainian refugees will likely face significant costs in the short term.
Pathways to global sustainability revealed through a worldwide survey of experts
The majority of sustainable development researchers believe that in affluent countries, it is necessary to look beyond economic growth to achieve sustainable development, a recent study from the University of Eastern Finland suggests.
Employment indicators virtually unchanged for people with disabilities despite concerns about recession
Despite concerns about the impact of inflation, employment indicators remained virtually unchanged, according to today’s National Trends in Disability Employment – Monthly Update (nTIDE), issued by Kessler Foundation and the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability (UNH-IOD).
Does China’s research and development funding reach the right firms?
Chinese investments in research and development (R&D) have burgeoned since the turn of the century, increasing more than tenfold in absolute terms since 2000 and reaching a high of 2.4 percent of GDP in 2020.
The Outer Limits: Future Economic Growth in the Face of Diminishing Resource
In 1972, “The Limits to Growth” stated that the Earth’s resources cannot support current rates of economic and population growth indefinitely. UC San Diego Professor of Physics Thomas Murphy agrees that our current trajectory is unable to continue much longer. His assessment appears in Nature Physics.
Mid-America Growth Climbs as Confidence Plunges
The latest monthly Mid-America Business Conditions Index for a nine-state area indicates strong growth for the region, but at a slower pace.
Consumer buying power is more diverse than ever
Asian Americans, African Americans and Hispanics wield formidable economic clout. And companies can no longer take a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing consumer goods and services.
Union-friendly states enjoy higher economic growth, individual earnings
New research from Mildred Warner, professor of city and regional planning at Cornell University, shows that state laws designed to hinder union activity and indulge corporate entities do not enhance economic productivity.
Webinar: Artificial Intelligence, Firm Growth and Industry Concentration
Research into the positive effects of artificial intelligence on firms will be discussed in a Dec. 2 webinar hosted by the Center for Financial Policy at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.
2nd annual “Doing Business” report ranks North American cities by ease of doing business
The Center for the Study of Economic Liberty at ASU has released the second edition of its signature Doing Business North America report, which provides objective measures of business regulations across 130 cities in 92 states, provinces and districts in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
Achieving clean air for all is possible
A new study shows that it is possible to achieve clean air worldwide with fundamental transformations of today’s practices in many sectors, supported by strong political will.
Exploring the link between education and climate change
What are the most effective ways to achieve desired sustainable development outcomes? A new study brings together several different connections between education and climate change and evaluates them together.
Aversion to Risk by R&D Managers May Hurt U.S. Economic Prospects
While concerns loom over an impending recession caused by the spread of COVID-19, policymakers and business leaders have implemented radical strategies, such as slashing interest rates to invigorate the U.S.’s weakened economy. Research and Development (R&D) has long been key in the nation’s economic prospects and according to new research from the University of California San Diego, the country’s ability to maintain its competitive edge in this area largely depends on managers in R&D being less averse to risk.