Planetary boundaries: Interactions in the Earth system amplify human impacts

What we do to one part of our Earth system does not just add to what we do to other parts: “We found a dense network of interactions between the planetary boundaries,” says Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute…

Connecting the prehistoric past to the global future

Research on global biodiversity has long assumed that present-day biodiversity patterns reflect present-day factors, namely contemporary climate and human activities. A new study shows that climate changes and human impacts over the last 100,000 years continue to shape patterns of…

Reporters invited to attend Crohn’s & Colitis Congress®

Dec. 16 2019 — The Crohn’s & Colitis Congress®, the premier conference for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) health care providers and researchers, invites media to register for the 2020 meeting. A partnership of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation and the…

Home hospital care proves an effective and cost-effective alternative to hospital care for selected

Below please find summaries of new articles that will be published in the next issue of Annals of Internal Medicine . The summaries are not intended to substitute for the full articles as a source of information. This information is…

Climate change could make RSV respiratory infection outbreaks less severe, more common

One of the first studies to examine the effect of climate change on diseases such as influenza that are transmitted directly from person to person has found that higher temperatures and increased rainfall could make outbreaks less severe but more…

Scientist breaks down chemistry in iconic cartoons: SpongeBob SquarePants and Popeye

WASHINGTON, Dec. 16, 2019 — Are bananas actually that slippery? Could spinach give you superhuman strength? And what the heck is Toon Acid? This week, watch some cartoons alongside our writer and host, Sam Jones, and learn whether their chemistry…

Simple tool shows life expectancy after dementia diagnosis

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and from the Netherlands have developed a simple tool that shows the survival probability of a person with dementia disease over three years. This, they hope, will facilitate dialogue with the most seriously affected and help…

Evidence suggests previously unrecognized latex allergies may play role in equine asthma

DENVER/December 16, 2019 – Latex exposure could be detrimental to a horse’s respiratory health. That’s the surprising discovery from Morris Animal Foundation -funded research at the Royal Agricultural University and University of Nottingham. While further investigation is needed, researchers say…

Researchers explore factors affecting money management skills in multiple sclerosis

Kessler Foundation research team identifies executive dysfunction and depression as factors affecting the ability of a subsample of individuals with multiple sclerosis to manage money efficiently

Plastic biosensor finds sweet success

An electronic biosensor powered using the glucose in bodily fluids has been developed by KAUST researchers. The device pairs an electron-transporting polymer with an enzyme that extracts electrons from its reaction with glucose to drive its circuitry. The plastic biosensor…

Consumption of chili pepper cuts down the risk of death from a heart or cerebral attack

An Italian study, conducted on twenty-three thousand people and published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, shows that regular consumption of this spice is linked to a reduction of death risk for cardiac and cerebrovascular causes