Developing wastewater treatment units that treat right where it’s generated

Dr. Sang Hoon Kim, Extreme Materials Research Center, Dr. Jong Min Kim, Materials Architecturing Research Center, and Dr. Sang Soo Han, Computation Science Research Center, all from the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), have developed an electrochemical device that can treat sewage and wastewater from pollution sites to the level of discharge. In particular, it can rapidly and completely decompose recalcitrant materials into inorganic substances and discharge them on its own.

What’s Really ‘Fueling’ Harmful Algae in Florida’s Lake Okeechobee?

Historically, Lake Okeechobee was thought to be impaired only by phosphorus, focusing efforts on reducing agricultural runoff. However, new comprehensive sampling across the Lake Okeechobee Waterway and its connected estuaries shows that toxic algal blooms also are driven by rising nitrogen levels from human waste and urban runoff. Increased nitrogen, worsened by extreme rainfall, significantly fuels bloom severity. Findings underscore the need for integrated nutrient management and improved wastewater treatment to protect the lake and its estuaries.

New Material Designed by Berkeley Lab ‘Mines’ Copper from Toxic Wastewater

A research team led by Berkeley Lab has designed a new material – called ZIOS (zinc imidazole salicylaldoxime) – that extracts copper ions from mine wastewater with unprecedented precision and speed.

Harmful Microbes Found on Sewer Pipe Walls

Can antibiotic-resistant bacteria escape from sewers into waterways and cause a disease outbreak? A new Rutgers study, published in the journal Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, examined the microbe-laden “biofilms” that cling to sewer walls, and even built a simulated sewer to study the germs that survive within.

Study: How U.S. sewage plants can remove medicines from wastewater

A study of seven wastewater treatment plants points to two treatment methods — granular activated carbon and ozonation — as being particularly promising for reducing the concentration of pharmaceuticals including certain antidepressants and antibiotics.