Gunshot injuries have long-term medical consequences

CHICAGO – Researchers are trying to identify injury patterns and predict future outcomes for victims of gun violence who are seen in the emergency room and later readmitted to the hospital, according to research being presented next week at the…

New migraine medications could endanger patients with high blood pressure

The neuropeptide αCGRP (α calcitonin gene-related peptide) works in two different ways. It leads to inflammation and dilates the blood vessels right at the release point of the nerve cells, for example in the meninges, which can trigger migraine attacks.…

New migraine medications could endanger patients with high blood pressure

The neuropeptide αCGRP (α calcitonin gene-related peptide) works in two different ways. It leads to inflammation and dilates the blood vessels right at the release point of the nerve cells, for example in the meninges, which can trigger migraine attacks.…

Recovery from years of inactivity requires focusing on doing resistance exercises rapidly

Several years of hospitalisation, one example of muscle inactivity, causes a disproportionate decline in the muscle strength known to affect balance, increase the risk of joint injuries, and hinder movements involved in sports. That’s according to research from the University…

Study paves way to better understanding, treatment of arthritis

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Oregon State University research has provided the first complete, cellular-level look at what’s going on in joints afflicted by osteoarthritis, a debilitating and costly condition that affects nearly one-quarter of adults in the United States. The study,…

Study paves way to better understanding, treatment of arthritis

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Oregon State University research has provided the first complete, cellular-level look at what’s going on in joints afflicted by osteoarthritis, a debilitating and costly condition that affects nearly one-quarter of adults in the United States. The study,…