SMU solution may be to low-cost, long-lasting renewable batteries for electric vehicles

Lithium-sulfur batteries have never lived up to their potential as the next generation of renewable batteries for electric vehicles and other devices. But ​SMU mechanical engineer Donghai Wang and his research team have found a way to make these Li-S batteries last longer – with higher energy levels – than existing renewable batteries. The research team has been able to prevent Li-S batteries from producing an unwanted side effect known as polysulfide dissolution that appears over time, shortening their lifespan.

Electric Vehicle Batteries Could Get Big Boost With New Polymer Coating

Scientists at Berkeley Lab have developed a polymer coating that could enable longer lasting, more powerful lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. The advance opens up a new approach to developing EV batteries that are more affordable and yet easy to manufacture.

On the Road to Better Solid-State Batteries

A team from Berkeley Lab and Florida State University has designed a new blueprint for solid-state batteries that are less dependent on specific chemical elements. Their work could advance efficient, affordable solid-state batteries for electric cars.