Montana State researchers earn NSF grant to study caddisflies and stream health

BOZEMAN — Funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Division of Environmental Biology, a pair of Montana State University researchers are setting out to prove caddisflies are more than fish food. “They play other really important roles, like…

Montana State researchers earn NSF grant to study caddisflies and stream health

BOZEMAN — Funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Division of Environmental Biology, a pair of Montana State University researchers are setting out to prove caddisflies are more than fish food. “They play other really important roles, like…

NASA finds ex-Tropical Cyclone Esther moving back inland

Ex-Tropical Cyclone Esther just won’t give up. The storm formed in the South Pacific Ocean, tracked across Australia’s Northern Territory and reached the Kimberley coast of Western Australia, and has now turned around. NASA’s Aqua satellite provided forecasters with a…