Smartphone app to change your personality

Personality traits such as conscientiousness or sociability are patterns of experience and behavior that can change throughout our lives. Individual changes usually take place slowly as people gradually adapt to the demands of society and their environment. However, it is…

Sleep keeps teens on track for good mental health

As families settle back into a new school year, sleep experts at the University of South Australia are reminding parents about the importance of teenagers getting enough sleep, cautioning them that insufficient sleep can negatively affect their mental health. In…

Digital providers come to the fore to support global mental health during pandemic

Research published today shows how digital providers are coming together to support the mental health needs of millions of users unable to access traditional services during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the first time ever, digital providers and experts from over…

Happy childhood? That’s no guarantee for good mental health

It’s well understood that a difficult childhood can increase the likelihood of mental illness, but according to new research from the University of South Australia, a happy and secure childhood does not always protect a child from developing a mental…

Signs of burnout can be detected in sweat

We’ve all felt stressed at some point, whether in our personal or professional lives or in response to exceptional circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic. But until now there has been no way to quantify stress levels in an objective manner.…

Sleep deprivation may exacerbate frailty’s effects on mental health in older adults

Previous studies have linked sleep deprivation and frailty with depression. A new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society that examined their combined effect suggests that short sleep intensifies the impacts of frailty on depressive symptoms. Among…

The pandemic lockdown’s psychological impact on pregnant women

During the lockdown in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain, pregnant women had higher symptoms of depression and anxiety. The finding comes from a study published in Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica , which also revealed that…

Lesbian, gay, bisexual medical students are more likely to experience burnout, study finds

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Studies have shown that nearly half of all medical students in the U.S. report symptoms of burnout, a long-term reaction to stress characterized by emotional exhaustion, cynicism and feelings of decreased personal accomplishment. Beyond the…

Association of psychiatric disorders with mortality among patients with COVID-19

What The Study Did: In this observational study of about 7,300 adults with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in a New York health system, a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis was associated with an increased risk of death after adjusting for demographic and medical risk factors.…

Prevalence, risk factors associated with self-reported psychological distress among children, adolescents during COVID-19 pandemic in China

What The Study Did: Survey data from school-age children and adolescents in Guangdong province, China, were used to assess self-reported psychological distress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Authors: Chichen Zhang, M.D., and Ruibin Zhang, Ph.D., of Southern Medical University in Guangzhou,…

Conflict between divorced parents can lead to mental health problems in children

Conflict between divorced or separated parents increases the risk of children developing physical and mental health problems. A new study from the Arizona State University Research and Education Advancing Children’s Health (REACH) Institute has found that children experience fear of…