Smartphone app to change your personality

Personality traits such as conscientiousness or sociability are patterns of experience and behavior that can change throughout our lives. Individual changes usually take place slowly as people gradually adapt to the demands of society and their environment. However, it is…

Young and restless, old and focused: Age-differences in mind-wandering

New research from Trinity College Dublin suggests that older adults can be more focused, less impeded by anxiety and less mentally restless than younger adults. The team at the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience (TCIN) (today, Wednesday, 10th February, 2021)…

Happy childhood? That’s no guarantee for good mental health

It’s well understood that a difficult childhood can increase the likelihood of mental illness, but according to new research from the University of South Australia, a happy and secure childhood does not always protect a child from developing a mental…

Research finds COVID plasma donation is fuelled by kindness

Researchers have given new insights into why people would choose to donate Covid-19 plasma after recovering from the virus, which will be used to support the recruitment of convalescent plasma donors to help treat current Covid-19 patients and support ongoing…

Children cannot ignore what they hear when detecting emotions

Children determine emotion by what they hear, rather than what they see, according to new research. The first-of-its-kind study, by Durham University’s Department of Psychology, looked at how children pick up on the emotions of a situation. They found that…

How clicks on a job platform can reveal bias

Education, professional skills and experience are the essential criteria for filling a position – or at least that is the expectation. The reality often looks different, as numerous studies have shown. When deciding whether to hire a candidate or not,…

Alzheimer Europe launches new guide and policy briefing on intercultural care and support

Luxembourg, 17 December 2020 – Alzheimer Europe today launched two new publications: “Intercultural dementia care for health and social care providers: a guide” and “Policy briefing on intercultural care and support for people with dementia and their informal carers/supporters”. The…

African American youth who receive positive messages about their racial group may perform better in school

Youth of color represent over half of the school-aged population (kindergarten through twelfth grade) in public schools in the United States. This creates a need for evidence-driven approaches that address the pervasive Black-White achievement gap. A new longitudinal study shows…

Positive messages encourage safer driver behavior than fear tactics

A new study has shown that films demonstrating responsible behaviour could lead to young drivers taking fewer risks on the road than if they only saw videos aimed at provoking fear of accidents. Over one million people are killed in…