American Academy of Dermatology survey shows Gen Z adults at risk for skin cancer due to increasing rates of tanning and burning

A new survey from the American Academy of Dermatology revealed that Generation Z adults, ages 18-25, are at risk for skin cancer due to increasing rates of tanning and burning. To encourage safe sun habits, the AAD is shining a spotlight on the ways that people can protect themselves from the most common and one of the most preventable types of cancer — skin cancer — this May for Skin Cancer Awareness Month.

American Academy of Dermatology survey shows Gen Z sun protection, tanning knowledge lacking

A recent American Academy of Dermatology survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults revealed that many Generation Z adults, ages 18-25, are not aware of the dangers of overexposure to the sun and are not protecting themselves from it. Ahead of the Fourth of July weekend, the AAD is setting the record straight about common misconceptions about tanning and encouraging everyone to practice safe sun to decrease their risk for skin cancer and premature aging skin.

College student voting rates skyrocketed in 2020

Voter turnout among college students jumped to 66% in the 2020 presidential election, building on the momentum swing of the 2018 midterms, according to a report released today by the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education (IDHE) at Tufts University’s Tisch College of Civic Life.

Skip generational distinctions like ‘millenials’ in workplace

It’s time to nix the generational mindset in business, says a Washington University in St. Louis linguistic expert who participated in an elite, 15-member committee announcing July 21 its findings on what he calls “potentially harmful” categorizing. He was part of The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine committee convened for this study.