Blooming through adversity: roses’ genetic defense against salinity stress

A cutting-edge study illuminates the intricate mechanisms of rose plants’ resistance to salt stress, a critical issue for global agriculture. The research identifies the phenylpropane pathway, especially flavonoids, as key to this tolerance, offering insights into potential genetic modifications for crops to thrive in saline conditions.

UNH-Led Team Sequences Shea Tree Genome to Support Breeding and Conservation Efforts

An international team of researchers led by the University of New Hampshire has sequenced the shea tree’s genome, providing a valuable resource for the strategic development of the species which is best known for the popular product shea butter—a multimillion-dollar ingredient used in cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals and chocolate.

‘Blinking” Crystals May Convert CO2 into Fuels

Imagine tiny crystals that “blink” like fireflies and can convert carbon dioxide, a key cause of climate change, into fuels. A Rutgers-led team has created ultra-small titanium dioxide crystals that exhibit unusual “blinking” behavior and may help to produce methane and other fuels, according to a study in the journal Angewandte Chemie. The crystals, also known as nanoparticles, stay charged for a long time and could benefit efforts to develop quantum computers.