Researchers find broad impacts from political polarization

Political polarization is having far-reaching impacts on American life, harming consumer welfare and creating challenges for people ranging from elected officials and policymakers to corporate executives and marketers. That’s one of the conclusions of a new scholarly paper by researchers…

How humans can build better teamwork with robots

As human interaction with robots and artificial intelligence increases exponentially in areas like healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, space exploration, defense technologies, information about how humans and autonomous systems work within teams remains scarce. Recent findings from human systems engineering research demonstrate…

European Obesity Policy Conference addressing obesity: The key to resilient health systems

The European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) and The European Coalition for People Living with Obesity (ECPO) invite you to attend our annual conference: Thursday, 4 March 2021 10:00 — 12:30 CET, Online

New study shows pandemic’s toll on jobs, businesses, and food security in poorer countries

A new study by an international team of economists published Feb.5 in Science Advances finds COVID-19 and its economic shock present a stark threat to residents of low- and middle-income countries — where most of the world’s population resides.

Bentham Science joins ORCID as member organization

Bentham Science has joined the Membership Program offered by ORCID to facilitate its stakeholders including the authors, Editorial Board Members, and their affiliating institutions. Through the ORCID Membership, Bentham Science endeavors to ensure that the researchers have a trustable connection…

‘Zoombombing’ research shows legitimate meeting attendees cause most attacks

BINGHAMTON, NY — Most zoombombing incidents are “inside jobs” according to a new study featuring researchers at Binghamton University, State University of New York. As the COVID-19 virus spread worldwide in early 2020, much of our lives went virtual, including…

Experts ‘scan horizon’ to help prepare governments for next major biosecurity threat

During the summer of 2019, a global team of experts put their heads together to define the key questions facing the UK government when it comes to biological security. Facilitated by the Centre for Existential Risk (CSER) at the University…

Wiley updates author name change policy within research publishing to support a more inclusive publishing environment

Wiley has updated its author name change policy , which applies to all research published in its more than 1,700 journals, to support the anonymity of authors who wish to change their name on already-published research. The new policy went…

South Africa: the rising temperatures will cost up to 20% of per capita GDP

Temperature rise due to climate change has negatively affected labour productivity in the past decades and will keep damaging it, potentially at a higher extent than what has been estimated in the literature up to now. In South Africa, a…