Tribal Epidemiology Centers Focus on Reducing Health Disparities in American Indians and Alaska Natives

Efforts to monitor and improve the health of American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) populations face unique challenges, including racial misclassification and underrepresentation in health research. The role of the Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TECs) in improving the public health infrastructure for the AIAN population is highlighted in a special September supplement to the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Heat Wave Tolerant

Samplla™, a family of specimen collection devices which are designed to provide ambient transportation for up to 21 days. Specimens applied to Samplla™ are immediately “dried and stabilized” within a local atmospheric condition using its Samplla Modified Atmosphere Packaging (sMAP), that provides an atmosphere separated from the ambient atmosphere and resistant to gas exchange – the result, stability. Samplla™ S device, the first product of this line of products was perfected to collect, transport and store bodily fluid specimens.

Seeking biomarkers that may predict suicide risk among women

A four-year, $3.1 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health will help researchers determine how the stabilization of ovarian hormones estradiol and progesterone may help lower symptoms associated with suicidality among females with longstanding thoughts of suicide.While estradiol and progesterone rise and fall over the course of the menstrual cycle, the hormones plummet to their lowest levels just before and during menses.


Students identifying as black or Latino are more likely to say they would socially distance themselves from peers with a mental illness, a key indicator of mental illness stigma, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. The findings reinforce how stigma may prevent teens who face prejudice and discrimination from seeking help for a mental health problem when they need it.

New Zealand’s biodiversity will take millions of years to recover

The arrival of humans in New Zealand, some 700 years ago, triggered a wave of extinction among native bird species. Many more species are currently under threat. Recent calculations by scientists from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and Massey University in New Zealand show that it would take at least 50 million years of evolution to restore the biodiversity that has been lost. Their results were published on 5 August in the journal Current Biology.

$1.5M Awarded from ORIEN New Oncologic Visionary Awards Program Supports Research by Rutgers Cancer Institute Investigators

A pair of Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey physician-scientists are collaborating on national research projects that received $1.5 million in combined funding from the Oncology Research Information Exchange Network® (ORIEN) New Oncologic Visionary Awards (NOVA) program.

Descubrimiento de diferenciación en vías del cáncer pulmonar puede llevar a tratamientos más dirigidos

Al adenocarcinoma pulmonar no solo se lo conoce por su mal pronóstico sino por ser el tipo más común de cáncer del pulmón, con 4 de cada 10 diagnósticos, dice el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer. Sin embargo, los investigadores de la sede de Mayo Clinic en Florida ahora pueden diferenciar entre dos vías por las que este mortífero cáncer se desarrolla y creen que su descubrimiento ayudará a los pacientes en el futuro. Los resultados se publican en Cancer Cell.

38th Annual New Jersey Film Festival Fall 2019 Begins September 13

The Rutgers Film Co-op/New Jersey Media Arts Center, in association with the Rutgers University Program In Cinema Studies, is proud to present the 38th Bi-Annual New Jersey Film Festival Fall 2019. Showcasing new international films, American independent features, animation, experimental and short subjects, and cutting-edge documentaries, the New Jersey Film Festival Fall 2019 will feature 29 film screenings.

Ins. For Renascence to Exhibit at AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo 2019 at Booth #672

Ins. For Renascence, a big data company focusing on insurance risk control, is committed to creating industry-level intelligence solutions, will exhibit their plans to attend the upcoming 71st American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo in Anaheim, California from August 6-8. The company will use the time at the show to highlight its research developments.

Researchers Find Proteins That Might Restore Damaged Sound-Detecting Cells in The Ear

Using genetic tools in mice, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine say they have identified a pair of proteins that precisely control when sound-detecting cells, known as hair cells, are born in the mammalian inner ear. The proteins, described in a report published June 12 in eLife, may hold a key to future therapies to restore hearing in people with irreversible deafness.