Tiny Toxins: How Algal Blooms Affect Coastal Systems Through a Complex Web of Interactions

A Q&A with scientist Michelle Newcomer on looking for unexpected causes of harmful algal blooms. Harmful and nuisance algal blooms are thought to have a number of contributing causal factors, including a build-up of nutrients, unusually high water temperatures, and extreme weather events such as floods and drought. But an understanding of the connectivity between these triggers is missing, as is an ability to predict the onset of the blooms.

Study highlights gaps and opportunities in emergency room care for intoxicated minors

Alcohol and other drug intoxication in minors is a public health challenge. European surveys reveal that schoolchildren start drinking alcohol at an average age of 12, and a third of Spanish 14 to 18 year-olds admit to binge drinking ─ consuming five or more drinks per occasion ─ within the last month. Although alcohol is the most commonly abused substance among minors in Western countries, poly-drug use (often involving cannabis and alcohol) is increasingly common.

Choices of the Heart: Healthy Foods More Important than Type of Diet to Reduce Heart Disease Risk

In a study published online in the International Journal of Cardiology, researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) examined the effects of three healthy diets emphasizing different macronutrients – carbohydrates, proteins, or unsaturated fats – on a biomarker that directly reflects heart injury. The team found that all three diets reduced heart cell damage and inflammation, consistent with improved heart health.

NASA sees Dorian become a hurricane

NASA’s Terra satellite passed over the northwestern Atlantic Ocean as Dorian reached hurricane status during the afternoon of August 28, 2019. On Aug. 28, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. EDT, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer or MODIS instrument aboard NASA’s Terra…

Grassland biodiversity is blowing in the wind

Temperate grasslands are the most endangered but least protected ecosystems on Earth. Grassland restorations are crucial for recovering this important but highly degraded ecosystem. Restored grasslands, however, tend to be more species poor and lose diversity through time as compared…

Behavioral therapy, physical strengthening may prevent disability in minority elders

BOSTON – A randomized controlled trial of a new disability prevention intervention, called Positive Minds-Strong Bodies (PMSB), indicates that improving coping skills and physical strengthening can significantly improve functioning and mood in racial and ethnic minority and immigrant older adults.…