Advancing Synthetic Ephedra-Type Alkaloids With a Two-Step Enzymatic Approach

The development of versatile and efficient biocatalysts for the synthesis of α-hydroxyketones and Ephedra-type alkaloids represents a significant advancement in synthetic biology and medicinal chemistry. In this study, researchers explore the potential of acetolactate synthase (AlsS) from Bacillus subtilis (BsAlsS) for the production of phenylacetylcarbinol (PAC) and its derivatives. Additionally, the study investigates the use of intermediate reductive amination enzymes (introduction of amine group using enzymes) for functionalizing α-hydroxyketones to generate synthetic Ephedra-type alkaloids.

Breakthrough in Biofuel Production: Rhodococcus Strain N1-S Transforms Succinic Acid Production

Researchers from China have achieved a breakthrough in biofuel production with the development of Rhodococcus aetherivorans strain N1, a new species, and its enhanced variant, N1-S. The study highlights how N1-S excels at detoxifying toxic byproducts from lignocellulosic biomass, resulting in a remarkable 6.5-fold increase in succinic acid yields compared to traditional methods.

Revolutionizing Industrial Scale Lactoferrin Production with Synthetic Biological Systems

Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein and is involved in important physiological processes. It is derived from milk and mucosal secretions. However, the separation and purification of a large amount of biologically active LF is very difficult. Therefore, technologies for synthetically manufacturing LF are urgently needed. In this review, researchers summarized the design and construction of high-expression LF synthetic biological systems. These systems are efficient and can maximize the LF production at large-scale industrial levels.