GW Experts Are Available to Speak for Stories during Lung Cancer Awareness Month

WASHINGTON (Oct. 30, 2019) — November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and according to the American Cancer Society, more than 220,000 new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed each year. The George Washington University (GW) Cancer Center has various experts…

How Oncologists Can Ethically Navigate the “Right-to-Try” Drug Law

The 2018 federal Right to Try Act allows patients with a life-threatening illness to be treated with drugs that have not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many in the oncology community say Right to Try strips away important regulatory protections and view the move as a risky step bound to create ethical dilemmas for physicians whose goal is to guide patients toward safe and appropriate treatment decisions. Oncology is one field at the forefront of requests for unapproved drugs. An interdisciplinary team of bioethicists, oncologists, and lawyers from Penn Medicine and other institutions penned a commentary published online this week in the Journal of Clinical Oncology to offer recommendations to help oncologists navigate this new “Right to Try” world, while maintaining their ethical obligations to patients.

Using Plasma Jets to Deliver Cancer Medication

Modern advances in oncology have significantly improved cancer survival rates. However, personalized treatment methods are necessary, since tumors may behave differently for different patients. At the AVS 66th International Symposium and Exhibition, Cristina Canal, a researcher at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, will present cold plasmas as a promising tool for minimally invasive cancer therapy. She will discuss the benefits of using plasma jets for cancer therapy, and explain the use of different liquid media, hydrogels and their properties.

Stephan Grupp, MD, PhD, Elected to the National Academy of Medicine

Stephan Grupp, MD, PhD, Chief of the Cell Therapy and Transplant Section in the Division of Oncology and Director of the Cancer Immunotherapy Program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, has been elected into the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), effective Oct. 1, 2019.

Pioneering oncology researcher leads publication of new exercise prescriptions for cancer prevention, survival

Oncology nurse practitioner Anna Schwartz, a professor at Northern Arizona University, was a leader on the team that reviewed the latest scientific evidence and offered recommendations about the benefits of exercise for prevention, treatment, recovery and improved survival, which were shared this week in three publications.

Lung Cancer Program at NYU Langone Health’s Perlmutter Cancer Center Joins Prestigious Thoracic Surgery Oncology Group

NYU Langone Health has become one of 23 institutions selected to comprise the American Association for Thoracic Surgery’s Thoracic Surgery Oncology Group (TSOG). A North American thoracic surgery clinical trials network, TSOG aims to improve the understanding of thoracic oncologic diseases and enhance the care of patients.

Depression, Anxiety Linked to Opioid Use in Women With Breast Cancer

The findings should encourage doctors to better manage mental health in patients with breast cancer and spur care providers to consider alternative pain management such as physical therapy, massage and acupuncture, the researchers say.

Depression, Anxiety Linked to Opioid Use in Women With Breast Cancer

The findings should encourage doctors to better manage mental health in patients with breast cancer and spur care providers to consider alternative pain management such as physical therapy, massage and acupuncture, the researchers say.