A stronger maths foundation in first grade

* First grade teachers can find out who is on track with math and who is lagging, using an accurate diagnostic test that they can administer in the classroom. * After Covid-19 school reopening, or during catch-up sessions in the…

In decision-making, biases are an unconscious tendency that are difficult to eradicate

This is according to a study conducted in primates, published in Current Biology, led by Ruben Moreno Bote and Gabriela Mochol, researchers at the Center for Brain and Cognition, in collaboration with Roozbeh Kiani, a researcher at New York University

Foreign language learners should be exposed to slang in the classroom and here’s why….

Experts say English slang and regional dialect should not be banned from classrooms but when you’re getting to grips with a second language how helpful is it to learn non-standard lingo?

Marmoset monkeys eavesdrop and understand conversations between other marmosets

Humans continuously observe and evaluate interactions between third parties to decide with whom to interact in the future. But it is difficult to measure what information animals gain when they eavesdrop on vocal interactions between conspecifics: If they do understand…

How the brain is programmed for computer programming?

Countries around the world are seeing a surge in the number of computer science students. Enrolment in related university programs in the U.S. and Canada tripled between 2006-2016 and Europe too has seen rising numbers. At the same time, the…

Children cannot ignore what they hear when detecting emotions

Children determine emotion by what they hear, rather than what they see, according to new research. The first-of-its-kind study, by Durham University’s Department of Psychology, looked at how children pick up on the emotions of a situation. They found that…

Superheroes, foods and apps bring a modern twist to the periodic table

Many students, especially non-science majors, dread chemistry. The first lesson in an introductory chemistry course typically deals with how to interpret the periodic table of elements, but its complexity can be overwhelming to students with little or no previous exposure.…

Scientists explore deficits in processing speed in individuals with spinal cord injury

Research team finds persons with spinal cord injury and older healthy individuals have similar brain activation during processing speed tasks. Findings support the theory of accelerated cognitive aging following spinal cord injury

1 in 3 who are aware of deepfakes say they have inadvertently shared them on social media

A Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) study has found that some Singaporeans have reported that, despite being aware of the existence of ‘deepfakes’ in general, they believe they have circulated deepfake content on social media which they later found out was a hoax.

The future’s uncertain – but noradrenaline can help us adapt

A brain chemical called noradrenaline is responsible for our responses to uncertain situations – helping us to learn quickly and adapt our behaviour, a new study has found. The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged us all into a state of uncertainty.…