For the first time in Thailand, a research team from Chula’s Faculty of Veterinary Science (CUVET) is the first to have successfully developed a method to culture dog pancreatic cells from stem cells and cell transplantation technology. They aim to test the method in the lab and sick animals suffering from diabetes.
Tag: Diabete
Follow the Keto Diet the Right Way for Weight Loss and Better Health
Chula doctors advise people to gain a better understanding of the “high-fat content Keto weight loss diet” to find out the good effects, and the side effects. The emphasis should be on weight loss to combat diseases and long-term health benefits with a balanced and moderate diet.
“Smartwatch to Measure Blood Glucose from Sweat” – A Chula Innovation for Healthcare
No more worries for diabetics with weak muscles. The Metallurgy and Materials Science Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University will soon launch a cutting-edge, health innovation – a wristwatch that can check blood sugar levels from sweat in real-time. It’s accurate, not painful, less expensive, and can replace imported equipment. It is expected to be available on the market soon.
Le coût élevé de l’insuline a des répercussions sur la vie ou la mort des patients diabétiques
Les formes d’insuline les plus couramment utilisées coûtent 10 fois plus cher aux États-Unis que dans tous les autres pays développés, selon un commentaire publié dans la revue Mayo Clinic Proceedings.