Researchers Find Ground Beef Packs Bigger Muscle-Building Punch than Soy-Based Alternative

New research from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) reveals that 100% ground beef packs a bigger punch for muscle protein synthesis than a soy-based counterpart. In fact, the study suggests that a person would need double the amount of soy-based protein to achieve the same results.

Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the study examined the anabolic response — how the body builds muscle — after consuming a 4-ounce beef patty versus one or two 4-ounce patties of a soy-based product. The results? Just one serving of beef did the job, while two servings of the soy-based alternative were necessary to see the same muscle-building benefits.

Major Ovarian Cancer Discovery; Findings Published in Cell

The Birrer Laboratory at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute helped discover a proteogenomic signature in ovarian cancer that may improve the way the disease is treated around the world. The discovery, which identifies a 64-protein-gene signature that can predict primary treatment resistance in patients with high grade ovarian cancer, was published Aug. 3 in the journal Cell.

Nature Article Highlights UAMS Effort to Share COVID-19 Images on National Cancer Database

Data experts with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) have uploaded clinical images of COVID-19 patients to a publically available national database that scientists can use in researching the disease and its impact in a global pandemic.

UA Little Rock receives nearly $450,000 to develop deep learning methods to identify cells that advance complex diseases

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock professor has received a $443,854 grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop unique deep learning methods to identify key cell networks in complex diseases. Dr. Mary Yang, professor of information science and director of the Midsouth Bioinformatics Center at UA Little Rock, will conduct research that will help doctors and scientists further understand how complex diseases evolve and develop in the body as well as how to identify effective drug targets.

Bone Researcher Provides Expert Commentary in Publication’s Controversial Reversal of Long-Held Theory

The latest issue of PLOS Genetics includes two publications that challenge the basic assumptions behind 24 years of bone and metabolism research, and given the magnitude of the potential paradigm shift, the editors turned to Stavros C. Manolagas, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) to provide expert commentary and context.